If you are a guy - is it (or considered) an orgasm if nothing actually shots out of the end of your penis i.e. no cum. I remember back when I had no idea what was happening and I guess one can say I "discovered" jerking off - with no clues ... for the first several months I would rub my dick up and down while in the tub achiving such incredible and wonder feelings in my boner, to point that I would uncontrollably be thursting my hips into the air and would have to just stop rubbing my dick as it just became so super sensitive that I could no longer rub it. But no fluids shot out at all! So the question is ... was that considered an orgasm or not? Or just a dry incredible feeling? Always wondered.
Thanks for the link and education. I always figured it was an orgasm but not mature enough to produce seminal fluid. But never knew for sure. I guess the actual ejaculation ends the orgasm where without it it just got super stimulated and sensitive.
Actually no. Orgasm is its own event and may start before ejaculation. Orgasm can happen without ejaculation or continue after ejaculation has ended. That's some of the fun with discovering where the two separate.
Yes, I have been having orgasms since before I was five. I didn't want to get out of bed to pee, so while on my belly I'd press my penis into my pubic bone with my hand to "hold it", then I learned if I wiggled my fingers I could hold it longer, before long I discovered if I kept my fingers moving I would get a nice feeling and wouldn't have to go for a while. When I was twelve or so I surprised myself when a fluid came out and started to enjoy it more, I masturbated that way until my early 20s.
I didn't cum with an ejaculation until I was 11yo, but I was having the same feelings of orgasms without producing seminal fluid whenever I played with myself from a very young age.
Back before I reached puberty I had many dry orgasms. Even though no fluids were expelled, I loved the feeling of it and yes it was an orgasm as my penis would actually pulsate as it was trying to shoot cum, but none was there. Even now, I can have enough orgasms in one day to completely drain my reservoir of cum and have a dry orgasm.
We don't know. We don't know many things about sex. The clit does not have 8000 nerve endings. This is based on a cattle study. I'm part of some new preliminary research on male multiple orgasms. It is hypothesized that orgasm can be achieved many times without a refractory period as long as ejaculation does not occur. This is supported by prosectomy research and Kinsey research on boys before spermarche. This happens to fit my own experience.
I should have answered more clearly. I enjoy dry orgasms too. The definition of orgasm used to be that it must occur with ejaculation, but current definitions recognize they are seperate events. One of my favorite techniques is using a biothesiometer on my frenulum because I can stimulate to the orgasm threshold with great control almost endlessly. As long as I don't stimulate to the ejaculatory threshold, I can have as many dry orgasms as I would like.
An orgasm is the tightening then throbbing of the muscles separate from the ejaculation of sperm and can be a dry orgasm. You can also ejaculate without the orgasm