I want to find people who want to travel around the world and camp or like a hippie commune who would be interested?!
I would love to, that is actually my dream! Sarah from yourhub.denverpost.com/blog/2015/10/easy-way-how-to-outline-your-research-paper/116377/
I am interrested too ... i come to this site to find something like this ... hippie commune and living together and working together ... i am in !!!
I'v always wanted to experience this. Although i feel like it would be much harder then just saying i want to. I mean i'v grown up in towns my whole life. Going to a commune would be a challenge thats for sure. After awhile i'm sure it would be the most beautiful thing ever. As for traveling, I was born the 28th of january and i'm turning 28 next year. I was thinking about spending that year on the road.
I want to experience this as well. I have always hated working in the busy city, working jobs I don't enjoy. I have seriously thought about moving to the Rocky Mountains and joining a hippie commune. I want to learn to garden & grow and become self-sufficient, maybe have some livestock. I also really desire to travel a lot. I think once I graduate college, I am going to start travelling. I want to try and use an app on the phone called Airbnb to assist me in my travels. For now, I am stuck working here
I have used Airb&b Love it! I am looking to move from the city, Milwaukee, WI to either Colorado or Washington State. I have always wanted to join a Commune, and have some time under my belt as I just turned 50 yrs old last November. I am 420 friendly and have many friends, both younger and older than I.
This is Scorpio Kenny from the communes The Church of the Good Earth (right here on hipforums.com at http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/106866-church-of-the-good-earth-1963-and-beyond/ ) and also The Down Home Nasties. Both San Francisco city communes from the late 60s and 70s that used city money to buy country land with country dreams. I have total experience in communes. You might even call me an expert. Here's the deal about communes. They are a whole lot of work and commitment. And then even more work. Much more then most people are able to do. And you have to earn real money to pay your property taxes and other real world obligations. You can't just plant some vegetables and expect everything to be fine and sit around and do nothing all of the rest of the year. You need to work hard all day everyday with no Sundays off. Cars and trucks need gas all year long and repairs and parts. In city or out of city you need a way to bring in cash. In the country everybody has to cut down trees and cut and split fire wood or you die. With or without protected owls in the trees. You have to live in tight quarters, shut in all fall, winter, and spring with other people and with cabin fever that could end up with people killing each other, in the worst case scenario. This is REAL. Even if yoiu don't want to believe it. Of course you don't. Many people think that living in a commune is a breeze. Living with loving people. All peaches and cream. A dream life. I don't want to put a pin in your balloon but you do gotta to work, or other people will throw your ass out, because you are a drain on the system. In Good Earth they used the phrase "Energy Drain" in referring to certain people. Folks who didn't even try to pull their own weight. There's no free rides in any commune. It just doesn't work that way. Planting flowers and vegetables is not all you have to do. There's a ton more. Much more. Just saying. Living in a commune ain't a dream. It's tough. And you got to really want it. The commendatory. The people friends. Your partners. They're Great. Folks that you love and care about. So, that if they are not working and doing their part you need to cover for them and do their work, also. There's real world, and then there's peoples idea of what a commune is. Communes are great but you have to be serious. You have to be ALL There. I just want to try and help you my friends to learn how to succeed and how to be REAL and how to not fall on your face. I am with you. Also realize also that some folks in a commune that you move into may be total sleazes and slacker, and take total advantage of you. Just pay attention. I do wish you all of the luck forever. Go for it. But BE REAL. And to all of you. A couple of us old GOOD EARTHERS are thinking of creating a brand new commune in Joshua Tree. A beautiful area. This place is jam full of old Freaks and long hairs. Way mellow. POT IS LEGAL. A new real commune could happen. Six or eight of you people and us could be a real start of a total commune. The more the merrier. This could happen. If you want Joshua Tree, talk to me. Cao, Carra Mia.
Hey Scorpio Kenny. Man I'm totally down with this type of living. I don't mind hard work as long as I know it's for a real benefit which it is. What you described is what I'm looking for. What I need to know is how to avoid cults. How do you know it's not a cult in disguise? (I don't mean the good earther's) I'd love to join you guys but I'm on the east coast. You know of any good ones around Pennsylvania or Maryland?