I write checks. I watch the news on TV. I brew loose tea. I make rice on the stove top. I use a gas stove from the 1940s. I hang up clothes with clothespins. My list goes on...
I wish I still had mine, but between the phone company's unwillingness to keep our line up and running, and getting calls from every telemarketing firm on the planet rolleyes, I now use cell phone exclusively. Sometimes I have to take a drive for reception, seriously it is not good here. But anything to keep the telemarketers away. I love standing in the rain trying to get a signal.
Three. A 2012 Chrysler 200, 2011 Dodge Caravan, and a 1992 Mazda Miata. All three with about 100,000 miles.
I hold doors for my wife and wake up in the morning to make her coffee before she leaves for work. I call people 'sir' or 'ma'am'
i haven't been around "folks" in so long, i haven't the slightest idea what anyone says is "outdated". nothing is outdated if it still works and i don't have or understand anything that works better if it does. i pay rent with a check, almost everything else i buy with my bank debit card. resteraunts i pay cash. almost only time i go to them any more, is on my way to the store so i wont be hungry while shopping. i still get on line only with a real computer, and don't even currently own a "mobile device" i also ride the bus instead of drive a car, and we do have electric buses as well as hybreds in this town. haven't used credit in so many decades i don't have any. that's on my to do list to remidy, though my landlady says i've got too much stuff already. kind of a catch 22 thing about that. i make everything in 3d, never adopted a 2d paint program. i do cook in a microwave from my own ingredients and recipies, because i don't have room for anything else to cook on or in at the same time. i build scale miniatures from scratch, and power them with analog current and controls. i put cold stuff together in an insulated bag to keep them fresh for at least a couple of days. i still bring my canvas bags to go shopping, even if, where i don't bag it myself, the checkout puts everything in plastic that i have to transfer from. i wear shoes that are actual shoes, and not some kind of over priced athletic crap. avacado is my favorite color of shirt, also of bedding, dark rust is my favorite color of pants. almost all of my pants and shirts are of those colors. i buy clothes at goodywill and vincipaul so i can save up to buy trains and computers.
yes me too--- i texted someone for the first time yesterday ....... and they had no idea who i was --- .......... kind of a long story there But i do use my tablet every day
See this post for Dealing with marginal phone reception If you live in the USA I think there is a do not call list you can put your number on so not be bothered by telemarketers.
At meal times, when ladies in my company stand and leave the table, I too stand up. Likewise when the rejoin the table I stand up and wait till thay are seated before once again sitting myself - merely good manners.
I don't have 'smart' anything, be it watch or 'phone - new fangled things - and when they go wrong, as inevitably they will, it costs an arm and a leg to repair it or buy a new one !!!