Waysharing (continued)
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  1. Turn Turn Turn
    Circle spins round and round

    Snake eats it's tail
    And Time never was

    Came Change
    And the Now

    Became the tool
    And we the seeds
    Sown onto fertile ground

    But the joker was here before
    And Free Will made clear
    And so some seeds never blossom
    Some Grow strange

    Cross the Abyss
    The Many
    While still Unique
    Somehow Connects back
    To the One again

    Wish I might
    Sing a clearer song
    Wish I may
    The dance be more pure

    But learning still
    Growing On
    I move my Self
    Into the Beyond

    May the Blessings
    Of Wholeness
    Come to Each and All

  2. Opening To You
    Opening the Heart
    Opening the Mind

    Fill me with your Being
    Come closer yet, O my soul
    Spirit of the One
    Which Became so much more in the All

    Each has so much Potential
    To Become yet another All
    Open O my Being

    Taking on those fields of separation -
    That allow me to distiguish myself from thee
    For in separation -
    I am not the grass or the river
    Or the stones or the sea
    Still I am me
    But in opening all of me - I become thee

    Rise up O my being take back what was allways yours
    ...... Be

    Before Is, Was, and Will be
    All Grows Whole into the One
    Open O my Being -
    No longer thee and me
    But us together as One

    Separation, an Illusion
    Back Home ... me in thee, thee in me

    Yah Namaste
  3. And ahh did you Know
    The middle Way cannot
    By words be described
    It can Be, as is best,
    Only lived

    Even as no individual
    Can truly be defined,
    Nor even define himself,
    Save by the life he lives

    So to you who talk,
    And I do not exclude myself,
    I would warn not to wast your time.

    For the action
    That you bring to life,
    Tells far more
    Than words ever could

    The best one can ever Do
    To help any and all Grow
    Is to gently close your mouth
    And show by actions
    What words so poorly tell

    Be still
    And Know
    I Am

  4. Lost along the byWays
    Asking those who pass by - "what shall I do"
    the answer when it comes is hard to accept:
    you Know the Way my brother ...you but hide from it.
    For never was it naught than Being......
    Doing that which showed forth from inside
    That which you Are, Were, Will, and Wish to Be.

    Being true to Self - allways so simple
    And the key, my brother, is the vulnerability -
    For ever shall you fall,
    Failing to reach quite so high as you desired;
    And in the Open Wholeness of Knowing
    You will rise and strive on again.

    After lifetimes of Work
    We begin to See
    That the experiences we garner
    Have indeed their purpose met.
    We Grow Beyond what was,
    And indeed This Is what it is all about,
    To learn and Grow and Become
    O so much More.

    Back out of time and space
    Even there it supports the Existence Of All
    The Change that heralds
    the birth and rebirth
    Of the Self Becoming More.

    And into the Beyond we ever go
    So much More Now having Learned,
    Letting experience show us the Way
    For you and me to Be yet More.

    Bless the Being

    My Spirit bows to your Spirit (Namaste)
  5. a bit ago I was listening to some friends telling of an elder that told them to tune into him for the Power - you know kind of like the guru model....

    And man do i have a problem with that Old model - talk about taking the power away from the individual.... news flash - we are in the Age of Self-Empowerment.

    When Anyone puts themself in a role to be of necessity for another to move on - to grow - my hackles go up and a growl starts from down in the primal parts of me from whence I have traveled far to come here to be present in these times.
    This IS a new Age - new models are not just present and needed but supercede ....the old models will soon no longer Work.
    Yah - one of the challenges when a new paradign takes over is that the old one no longer has the power to manifest.
    Free choice is inherent in each and every paradign that is even remotely possible - for it is the keystone of Change.

    No One is needed - sychronicity will recombine the ingredeients; which at any time are near infinite, and provide us over and over with countless opportunities to Change and Grow in any given moment out of time; and it becomes our own and we choose to step into the Beyond.
    No one can do it for us - the best pointers, are the actions that show by the Doing, the Way - that is as much as any one can do "for another" and to try to be and do more becomes an arrogance that in humility we must learn to step back from.

    Beware stirring the jungle cat, the night stalker - far more fierce than oldwolf ever thought of being.

    And laughter ever becomes us and humanizes the god we are becoming and lets us tune into the god we have too long denied !

    Blessed Be my friends
    Bless the Being

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