Waysharing (continued)
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  1. Life is but a myriad of opportunities presented when few can be chosen, and many unchosen for the one chosen.

    And yet at any time we, as our own creators, can weight our decisions in different directions, which will slowly tip the tide toward that direction ....

    Actions and Awareness of results; being true to Self, with no excuses nor denials, become one of the greatest things we can gift ourselves.

    And giving over to the higherSelf become obvious choices offered to us again and again that would lead to the best for all and self "¦. and we Know this - "¦.

    If you've ever been around someone who has done this , then you know that humility and service are keys that work so well in helping others find their own Way"¦..for the Way of 1 is unique (we all Iive alone inside our heads, which spend so much time talking to us, drowning out the magnificence of Existence).

    So if in any way my attempts to share have in any way helped another to come home to embrace their Self and act as such "¦..

    Blessed Be
  2. It is of primary importance to ever be thankful along the Way.
    A sense of humor helps one not take themself too seriously.
    To get the pure gold of Spirit the dross must first be burned out.
    The "dark night of the soul" is something every one of us must go through - for only then can we humbly even See the light - to think one Is the light, is the height of folly.
    We all learn and grow"¦at times it might seem unfortunate that the best way to keep a lesson is to fall and seriously bruise ourself so that we might remember the lesson.
    Sometimes the only way we can help another is through hot air"¦.sometimes silence is best"¦.but even when silent remember that we Are all connected and our own Way is paved by helping other find their own Way.
    While we are all connected - yet each is alone in their own head with their own decisions. To want it otherwise is to wish for non-existence - which already IS.

    To bemoan our "fate" or try to "opt out" only shows us that we have much to learn "¦and the lessons of life will, and are to, help us learn - praise be.

    Blessings along your Way (often these are the lessons we allow ourselves to learn)

    Grow on - those who have gone before you have left signposts and marked the Way - but you must be humble enough to pay attention

    Life is an opportunity - and Becomes what you make of it.

    LOVE IS - and sometimes that says it all.

  3. It's so hard trying to make ends meet,
    And with the situation of the world ...
    Everything is getting darker and uglier;
    And to top it off, now a cancer grows within.

    And to heal, we know we must Change.
    Change within as to how we perceive,
    Change our outlook and inlook.
    It is not enough to stop the old program,
    We must insert a new to supercede the old.

    Aspirations to help us find our Way ...
    Even these too change as we Grow;
    What once we wrote and and was oft repeated,
    Yet now Changes as clarity Grows.

    Within a Joy and Reverence Grows,
    As no longer do we ask it done to us;
    But Open our Being to All that Is.
    Honoring our Connections with All
    We find our Being is empowered from within.

    Not that all changes at once,
    But even when the old comes back
    And we find the frustration and anger resurface,
    Yet bubbles up from within an impetuous laughter
    As we enjoy the little trials that before overcame.

    And in the Doing , little at a time,
    For what was cannot usually be at once undone;
    We find not only a Great Joy rising from within,
    But ripples moving out from this joy that must shine
    And a Song comes to our lips as we Dance Along
    ...Opening the more ... Becoming.

    And the fire so Grows
    The earth trembles in anticipation
    The winds move the tree to dance with us
    As the tides rise yet higher.

    And we find within that which is O so strong
    That from this life to the next,
    It comes with us.

    And Awareness Grows and expands
    And we Become more
    Moving into Beyond.

    And in the Doing
    Others See and Hear
    And yearn for that
    To come to us from within
    So that we might empower ourselfs
    And Be
    We can Be
    In this Now

    T'is up to us to make it Be
    Let us join together to create anew
    And the Joy overflow
    And help all Grow.

    This is how we make it Be
    Honoring that which Is you and me
    Blessings, Light, and Joy shine forth.

    Our spirits Bow to each,
    Recognizing the God Within
    .... (Namaste)....

  4. take what will help ....in the receiving it no longer is mine but yours....do with it as you will...

    I finish after I hold forth.....with laughter...Enjoy !


    Recognizing that Healing is an interference with the course of action undertaken, the first question must be: does one wish healing - will they accept it unto themselves, will they allow it by belief and desire; closely followed by the second: will they commit with honest intent to Change and so correct their course to be in harmony with the lessons and actions undertaken by the Higher Self, their "purpose for being here. (some token change, with the far reaching commitment and Intent for greater Change works well).

    And lastly...before any action is taken by the systemized gross medical field, please retest to make sure the "disease' is still present.....expect miracles ...they happen all the time.

    Do not talk about it, many send negative energy of unbelief unconsciously...do not make it a target; so do not talk of it before or after, honoring our own desire for anonymity.

    Healing is taking a chance and interfering with a course of action.

    Interfering, and setting a Change in it's place.

    Without that Change taking place, the course recirculates and comes back stronger than before.

    Dis-ease is caused by the entity being dis-stressed by lack of commitment and follow through on a course the higher Self set for it.

    Intent not followed up on becomes a lie to ourSelfs and causes great dis-ease.

    A healing can be initiated from without with the agreement that Change must take place.

    Without the person being healed committing to that Change, often the healing does not happen; unless they do Change the initial dis-ease/distress returns and move yet again to bring Change in another Way.

    Change Is the turning and enacting Being True to Self.

    The higher Self came through into the physical formulating a personality to take on the lessons and actions planned before incarnating.

    Our "game plan" can be added to as we Grow and develope....it is not cast in stone, however the originating concepts will be adhered to, the lessons learned, the action fulfilled....either in detail or by inclusive changes that play into a greater role of Growing and Learning and Becoming More.

    The Higher Self does not "make" us do things, it sets into actions a blueprint which is maleable to bring about desired affects. Free will is the domain of the experiencer, the one who "decides".

    Empowering the individual means that the individual gains it's Power back by Being True to Self....following what it Knows to be "right", moving into and with the flow taking it to the desired resultant Changes and Growth.

    Ultimately the person doing the healing is the individual who takes on the energy of Change turning back to the Self and Being True. A healer but presents the possibility to the entity and steers it to "See" the possibilities, (focuses universally available energies, which are not 'owned' by any); the commitment and honest intent to Change, the agreement with the higher Self in Spirit, comes between the one who Chooses and the" Being" who Grows and learns, who "harvests" the experiences for the Becoming More.

    A Place of not Honoring the Self brings dis-ease and dis-stress which leads to an attempt to change the perceptions and predilections of the one who is choosing in such a Way as to dis-honor the initiating purpose for which it came into being to fulfill.

    We have the right to Know, indeed even the duty to find out, if forgotten, that which is ours to Do.

    Vision questing is one of the fastest strongest acting ways to garner this insight into out Being. The symbols of the vision are our own....some of insight maybe able to help in inciting to clarity but the chooser decides how much to pay attention, and how much to follow through.

    A true healer helps one to find union with the Higher Self.

    A true teacher helps one find union with the higher Self.

    Both do so out of the fulfilling of their own Way, and must then get out of the other's way and let them follow their own Bliss that comes from the rewards of Becoming More.

    To attempt to control or remain a ruling force in another's life will cause distress and disease and initiate the lessons needed to help one see the error of that Way.

    We choose to empower ourSelfs....or not.

    Choosing the Path of least resistance weakens the vessel. Choosing that which we "know" is ours strengthens the resolve and furthers one along the Way.

    and here endeth the message I felt the need to pass on...use as you will, even as the energy focused becomes your to deal with as you will....so too these words.
    Use what helps you and rings true and empower yourSelf....take back your Power....BE !
    And with all you Do....Enjoy
    Honest Laughter has always been the highest form of appreciation, for we "See" that we are the dreamers observing the dream...and Awakening means many things.

    Much love,

    We enhance the quality of Existence
    We fulfill our potential in a manner beneficial to All
    We join in Full Awareness, Total Cooperation
    and Complete Union with our GodSelf

    Open to Love
    Surrounded by Love......Mind creates the concept
    Full of Love.................Desire provides the motivation
    Channels of Love..........Doing is the test
    We are Love

    Life is an opportunity and becomes what you make of it

    May the Light of Love ever Guide your Way
    Grow on ... Enjoy !

    Peace Blessings

    oldwolf at www.hipforums.com

  5. Opening To You
    Opening the Heart
    Opening the Mind

    Fill me with your Being
    Come closer yet, O initiator of my experiences
    Spirit of the One
    Which Became so much more in the All

    Each has so much Potential
    To Become yet another All
    Open O my Being

    Taking on those fields of separation -
    That allow me to distinguish myself from thee
    For in separation -
    I am not the grass or the river
    Or the stones or the sea
    Still I am me
    But in opening all of me - I become thee
    Before Now - IS........Was, Will Be

    Rise up O my being take back what was allways yours
    ...... Be

    Before Is, Was, and Will be
    All Grows Whole into the One
    Open O my Being -
    No longer thee and me
    But us together as One

    Separation, an Illusion
    Back Home ... me in thee, thee in me

    Yah Namaste
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