Seeking frriend to talk to about going barefoot
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  1. To have somebody to talk to about going barefoot today
  2. [quote name="Mattekat" post="7893216" timestamp="1461586745" date="April 25 2016 - 08:19 AM"]
    [quote name="nr3c" post="7893080" timestamp="1461544503"]
    help me go barefoot at home[/quote]
    Start by trying it a few times when you are home alone to get a feel for it maybe?

    I do that a lot and it feels great. I even do it in my room with the door closed when others are home. Need to get beyond that.[/quote]

    Source: which places did you go barefoot?
    barefootbob3 likes this.
  3. I am able to go barefoot in my room with the door closed. But I am not able to open the door.
  4. Can someone talk about going barefoot with me?
    barefootbob3 likes this.
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