midtown Manhattan...

Published by old tiger in the blog old tiger's Blog. Views: 296

so..a walk on 5th Avenue..oh..nice thing to do really..
broad pavements..lots to see..lots to absorb..
we went into Barnes and Nobles bookstore...and guess what??
I bought a tourist guide...about Belgium..uhuh..
Rockefeller center..with the atlas statue around International building
St.Patrick's Church..Grand Central station..Times square..Broadway..
damn..we did lots of walking that day..and finally we got to Central
park..hub of green in the middle of town...Americans on roller skates..
jogging around..or playing frisbee...it's part of New York..
Central park is huge...the skyline behind it as well..
we did not go through the whole of this park..
it would take a day..to see the lakes,bridges,statues etc....
and north to this park is Harlem...well...they warned us..beware..
in the park..even at broad daylight..pickpockets,robbery??
we walked back on 5th Avenue and did a museum called Frick
collection...it's art..mostly paintings..even Vermeer,Constable etc..
took a subway back towards Greenwich Village...damn...I was tired..
next day..we planned a visit to the Metropolitan museum..
so..New York..let me tell you...4 days..is NOT enough..to grasp it..
link for Frick Collection... www.frick.org
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