FTL Mermaid

Published by Friar Turk in the blog Friar Turk's Ramblings and Poetry. Views: 512

Always Under Baleen Blubber Weight
and Tridentine Demi-Urge
The Cestacean School flows With Turpid Bliss
And Inward Assurance

One after Another, and with Unrelenting Joviality
The Quiet Mirth of their Aimless Roll
Describing with the Arc of Jest................, Indeed,
the Ancient and Nameless Waves that Embrace Them
The Oldest Salt in the World Might Not Remember
How Fecund the Blubber Blow-Whale and Barnacle Jelly-Roll

Of these Blubber-Hounds, Blubbering Their own Blubber
Might have first Laughed at the Salt-Spray of Their Fecund, Teeming Home
A Womb, and Birth-Place That They're Still Swimming In

Never Swam too Far From Home
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