
Published by old tiger in the blog old tiger's Blog. Views: 270

Bratislavia was in these days part of Tjechoslovakia..
nowadays Slovakia is a nation even..times..they are a changing..
right..after a few days in Prague brother drove us towards
Bratislava via Brno..I recall Bratislava was on the Danube river..
but my memory slips here..we passed some places with names like
a tongue twister..even with a hot potato in my mouth..I could not
pronounce them..the language is East European..quite difficult..
later on..we did a trip to Budapest(Hungary)Hungarian is a disaster..
I did like the Tsjechs and Slovaks..they could not communicate very
well in English..but they were nice and friendly people..some of them
spoke bit of German..I don't recall where we stayed in Bratislava..
in fact..we stayed 1 night..and even did not see much of the city..
what I remember is a castle..a cathedral..bridge over the Danube river..
my brother took a pic of a fountain..don't remember the bloody name..
my wife..coming from India..was very thrilled with all these places..
but that's all,folks..I'll try to find a link with pictures...
the next stop was Vienna=capital of Austria..we stayed 2 days there..
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