Is life a big problem to be solved A gordion knot to be cut And the solution to be found ? No rational approach succeeds. Life is a mystery to be contemplated In all humility to be reviewed The donor of Life is Almighty No mighty of this world can give life. A mystery is something that pertains to God There the mere finites should bow And fall in awe on their knees Bend their heads in veneration. He can still boast of his strength Unleash the energy within Unbind the giant in him It is possible because there is Some one who strengthens him. Is life a big problem to be solved A gordion knot to be cut And the solution to be found ? No rational approach succeeds. Life is a mystery to be contemplated In all humility to be reviewed The donor of Life is Almighty No mighty of this world can give life. A mystery is something that pertains to God There the mere finites should bow And fall in awe on their knees Bend their heads in veneration. He can still boast of his strength Unleash the energy within Unbind the giant in him It is possible because there is Some one who strengthens him. Is life a big problem to be solved A gordion knot to be cut And the solution to be found ? No rational approach succeeds. Life is a mystery to be contemplated In all humility to be reviewed The donor of Life is Almighty No mighty of this world can give life. A mystery is something that pertains to God There the mere finites should bow And fall in awe on their knees Bend their heads in veneration. He can still boast of his strength Unleash the energy within Unbind the giant in him It is possible because there is Some one who strengthens him.
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