I'm not bored, I just go into the games if that happens..or start something new! DH..hair of the dog ...lol
Haven't Had A Hangover In Upteen Years.......I Love A Glass Or 3 Of Wine But Taking It To The Point Of Having A Hangover In My Opinion Spoils The Pleasure Of Drinking.......... Or It Could Be Because I'm Getting Old And Boring....... :wheelchair: ........ :bigcry: Cheers Glen.
Don't worry Glen, I'll sail on over with my hooligans to your island. It won't ever be that boring again.
I can't control my drinking unless I have a smoke. I like half a bottle of wine or a few beers and a smoke, cannabis helps me to moderate my drinking, but I'm not allowed to because Theresa May doesn't like it.
Well that might change! I was reading some trials the other day! Seems parts of cannabis can react good on your diabetes T1.. which she is..and I am. I already vape CBE which works great for me..so perhaps she might change the rules a tad! I mean CBE is legal..so it's only pushing it a tad..who knows? But it works for me.. https://www.canavape.co.uk
When your having a medical procedure and the doctors use some form of general anesthesia. For fun do you fight going to Zzzzzzz... ? Or do you let it take you over and go nite nite Zzzzzzz...?
12 Replies And 37 Views........Has That Eased Your Boredom Problem Scratched....... Or Do You Demand More From Us...???... Cheers Glen.
I've been hypnovalled twice for minor operations. it's like time travelling two hours in to the future.
May is never going to relax the law, she is only going to go the other way because she is a bloody difficult woman and fingers crossed she's about to spend her last month in 10 Downing Street. Lord Monson has written to her about his son's suicide, which he blames on skunk and she is considering recalssifying "skunk" cannabis to class A. Idiots don't even understand what skunk is, and reclassifying different strains or potencies of cannabis is completely unworkeable anyway.
I think if it's legalised it's only going to be like CBE, but won't be an NHS thing, you will have to contribute to it, that's how she will get you!
Taking a half teaspoon of activated charcoal before drinking prevents a hangover. Meliai tested and approved! Disclaimer: I really wouldnt recommend it to take every day if you're a daily drinker, it binds to the toxins in alcoholic drinks but it also binds to vitamins and minerals so if you take it on the regular you're just leaching your body of its nutrients.
I find just making sure you eat properly and get a good sleep after does the trick. Reason I'm hungover is probably because I've been on meds for the past week after nearly breaking my back last week. Oddly enough the alcohol proved a more effective pain killer. My liver would have prefered a few beers and lots of bong rips.
I'm not bored. I've just taken a dab of brown powder of unknown provenance and I'm buzzing. That on top of a valium and bottle of wine.