Zodiac: how many Aquarius people in here?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by venus15, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. venus15

    venus15 Guest

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    I'm really into astrology and wanna know how many water bearers are here :) and what do you think about being the best sign of all.

    Ok, not really but...
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Astrology is bullshit, but I am an "Aquarius" (birthdate is Feb. 16). I don't place any significance on it.
  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Ugh. My mother and my sister are. My mom places SO MUCH importance on it. To the point of favoring my sister for being an Aquarius and reminding me on the regular. I always tell her that SHE GAVE BIRTH TO ME. Now her boyfriend is an Aquarius and they team up and berate me about how much better they are. I shit you not. We are all adults.

    Lol, she uses it to explain all of my faults: She'll roll her eyes and tell me: "You're such a cancer."

    Anyway, I'm a little bitter but...You're an Aquarius, so you're probably better than everyone else!!
  4. venus15

    venus15 Guest

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    Lol i know some Aquarius people might be very proud of the sign they are (im a bit too) but i dont like to show it off; besides, every Aquarius is different and maybe you notice that between your sister and mom but most of the times we are verrrrry proud, some dont say it and others do. But anyways, you dont have to listen to her because she is probably just joking and taking her pride to another level where she thinks Aquarian ppl rule the world :)
  5. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    WOOT Aquas stand up :) My bday is Feb 2nd.

    I made these sexy memes for Aquas last year.

    I didn't take the pics, I just felt they symbolized The Water Bearer in a cute way so I did a few things to them.

    Ps. I think astrology is fun & what not but I wouldn't base my life around it. I think astrologers tend to be pretty lazy about describing Aquarius folk. They generalize a bit too much in a negative light imo.
  6. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I noticed that a lot lately, but back in the 90's it was more of an exaggeration of how awesome they were. Or at least a little bias.
  7. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    I love Pisces.

    Actually I only love one Pisces :)
  8. cynthy160

    cynthy160 Senior Member

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    Astrology can have a charm to it if people don't get obsessed with it.

    I had a friend a couple years back who was into astrology very seriously. She wanted to know not just my birthday but the exact time I was born. She needed that to know the positions of the stars in the sky at the moment of birth so that she could figure out other things out about me. I didn't have that kind of info for her. She would nag me time after time to try to find my birth certificate or hospital records to determine the exact birth time. I told her I just didn't have such things and didn't want to be bothered.

    After so much of it, I told her one day, "Why don't you just treat me like a person and a friend rather than some sort of object to be studied and manipulated for personal amusement based on the position of something in the sky?" We didn't see too much of each other after that.

    Watch the old Twilight Zone episode "Nick Of Time" with William Shatner. It represents well what I am referring to.

  9. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    Heres the problem about astrology, it takes the spontaneity and guess work out of life. There is beauty in mystery and the unknown. People who do heavy chart readings are missing out on experiences imo.
  10. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I grew up with a huge astrological theme across my life. One of my parents was very into, had lots of books and so I studied it. I remember this one time there was a guy that I had a one night stand with. I didn't think it would be that, but it was, he was nice and called to tell me he was going to get back together with his girlfriend. I was very upset by this and I called him back frantic, "I don't even know your birthday, could be please call me back and tell me your bday?" I felt like the world was going to end if I didn't have this information so I could figure out what went wrong and to rather I should avoid other men with this astrological identity that he had.

    It's pretty funny now, of course.

    (that was about 10 yrs. ago, btw, I'm not that crazy anymore)
  11. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    Yeah see, thats exactly what I mean. Its a crutch imo.

    Though I will say that I once observed 12 strangers. I am a pretty friendly and outgoing person so I took it upon myself to start conversation with each of them. I called 9 out of 12 of their astrological signs correctly on the first try. Interesting.
  12. antithesis

    antithesis Hello

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    I'm a gemini
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The real superhumans :sunny: I'm not proud of my sign of course, so I downplay gemini's all the time. I never wanted to be an ubermensch...
  14. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    if you didn't realize she was into astrology, that would be a real insult.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I thought the same, that sounds extremely rude.

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