Zero dream

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Sola, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Sola

    Sola Member

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    Well, I am not so sure if this dream has any understandable meaning, but I will post it any way! :cool:
    I saw nothing special except me and my previous boss from the job I left a month ago. He was just counting something I did not see, but I remember that he said about me - "She has only zero points!" And that`s all... the dream stopped here.
    What can you say?
    I guess the meaning is shown by this number - zero...?!!! :rolleyes:
    But still I do not understand...
  2. liquidlight

    liquidlight Senior Member

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    Zero is the best number of all ... it means nothing... the void, and in dream terms i would think it represents just that, ... emptiness, spirit, pure love and awareness.

    Zero has appeared recently in my awareness too so i've been pondering on it and actually just this evening i watched a program on TV ... part of a fascinating series about the history of mathematics. It seems that it was first used as an actual number in India ... a country which has always revered nothingness and emptiness,- In other places zero was used, but as a placeholder ... a 'space' for any unknown number but not as a number itself.

    It is the dark heart of numbers :D ... and that's not a bad (no)thing.

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