I stopped watching Z nation after the third season because my life was becoming an apocalypse and it was hitting too close to home, especially all the hate, fear, and violence. Also I stopped watching because the plot left a lot of loose ends that they never explained. Funny to pick up where I left off and find a time jump in the series. Almost like I had my own coma, as far as the show goes. Mainly the situation looked like they couldn't really write off anyone's death and I was already so fixated on finding out why Red and 5k were still alive that I couldn't follow the rest of the plot. Red I could see. Our last view of her was getting piled on by Z's but we've all seen that one before. But 5k? He was shown dead on the ground with crows picking at his guts. I know. I re-watched season 3 to get out of my coma. I seent it. Right now I'm 4 episodes in to season season 4 and there has been no "I thought you were dead" moment to explain just how the hell Addy and Lucy survived the fall. I'm guessing that the menacing weapon that annihilated EVERYONE ELSE at the end of season 6 was some sort of UV device to sterilize them, but I wouldn't know it because they are carrying on with VERY LITTLE follow up, resolution, or exposition. AND you would think the VERY first thing anyone would say to Lucy is "I thought you were dead, how did you survive falling off that giant ass cliff?" Interesting with the crows and the eyepatch, like Addy became Odin. Don't give me spoilers, just answer two questions, if you know the answer: 1. Do they ever explain Red and 5k not being dead? 2. Do they ever explain how everyone dies, but they remained alive? What about those guesses? If true, do they provide ANY exposition or are we all just supposed to guess? That was one of my problems to this otherwise very enjoyable and engaging show. They left too many plot threads undone, and that distracted me and kept me from being able to follow the plot.