
Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Smerfish, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Smerfish

    Smerfish Senior Member

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    Im being tested for Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome now you try pronouncing that let alone understand what the doctor is trying to tell you it is..... oye... city doctors....... FUN STUFF I tell ya... my cells are trying to kill me!! ahhhhhh their over working its all weird... I dont remember exactly what my doctor said cause I was to busy trying to pronounce the words haha.......but I'll survive he said he could be deadly if untreated but Im being treated I have to take steroids if the tests come back conclusive and such..... fun stuff like I said....
  2. Orsino2

    Orsino2 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Holy shit... I hope you'll be okay. Stay strong. [​IMG]
  3. Smerfish

    Smerfish Senior Member

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    my moms been yelling at me cause I've been laughing about it all day.... and my brother made some comment about "oh so you mean if you got aids right now it would actually help you" which it was funny cause he was trying to lighten the mood but my mom thought he was retarded
  4. eegch, lymph stuff sucks......
  5. there are actually a few freak cases where people got leprosy and HIV at the same time and the 2 more or less canceled each other out

    although I'm sure that the timing had to have been impeccable on both diseases
  6. Smerfish

    Smerfish Senior Member

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    yes indeedy it does thats why my neck hurts n my ears........its shibby.....but it's like not completely curable I guess? like it'll come and go....
  7. To better understand how ALPS works, imagine that you have a respiratory infection, perhaps the flu. The cells in the nose and throat send out a message to the immune system to start making more lymphocytes to fight the flu. New troops of lymphocytes come to the nose and throat to seek out and destroy the cells infected with the flu virus. Once the virus is conquered, the lymphocytes get a message that their job is done and they are no longer needed. At this point, it is normal for most of the fighter cells to disintegrate through a process called apoptosis (a-pop-to'-sis).

    The immune systems of people with ALPS are efficient in fighting germs. The problem in ALPS happens after an infection is gone. In ALPS, apoptosis does not work as well as it should. In other words, the troops (lymphocytes) don't hear the message that the war is over. As a result, excess T and B cells gather in the lymph glands, liver and spleen. We can detect the extra cells in people with ALPS by looking for high numbers of double-negative T cells. In general, these extra T cells don't cause a problem.

    Sometimes in ALPS, the B cells make a mistake. Instead of making antibodies to be custom-designed against germs, the B cells make antibodies against platelets, red blood cells, or other cells. This causes autoimmune problems. The antibodies become stuck to the platelets and red blood cells, which then get stuck in the spleen. The spleen has to work extra hard to filter out the sticky cells. This is another reason why the spleen gets so big.

    got it from a gov't website, any help?
  8. Micha

    Micha Now available in Verdana!

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    Damnit everybody. Your typing too long for me to read...

    fucker fucking fuckers.

    dum kopf...

    not really.

    I mean the first part was true.

    but the rest was just silly.
  9. led zppelilin fan

    led zppelilin fan read this and die!!!

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    thats funny kirk cus everyones having a hard time an dbeing sick and shit and ur complaing about it being to long for u to read
  10. Smerfish

    Smerfish Senior Member

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    it was even to long for me to read LOL..................

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