I'm not sure about all of those, especially the part about barefooting protecting your vision, because poor eyesight and blindness definitely happened even in cultures where barefoot living was/is commonplace. But I can vouch for number 4. Ever since I took up barefooting, and especially after I started doing it in snow, I have been having less sick days. Just a few weeks ago, I definitely felt that some sort of flu bug was trying to take over, because my body was definitely fighting off something. And doing a damn good job, because I didn't experience any serious symptoms. No fever, no runny nose. No light-headedness, like what usually happens. Just some mildly irregular heart beats, which prompted me to quit weight lifting for a week, until it passed over. So yeah, they got part 4 right.
A little over sold. I never would have believed a video like this, till I tried it. Its actually kind of baffling that something so simple does improve well being so much. I think maybe the video could be better done in reverse, on how wearing shoes every waking minute is detrimental to well being.
It’s an interesting video but I’m skeptical of some of the benefits. Not so certain about eyesight improvement and I wonder about the earthing/grounding concept. Also the video downplays walking on concrete and other hardened surfaces claiming it can cause problems. Once your feet get so tough even the dangers of stepping on objects is lessened. You do have to use a certain amount of caution. I hardly ever get sick, not even a cold. I’ve been in different gyms and never had issues with fungus. Sunlight and air destroy a lot of these.
No, I tried bumping up the views on my U tube doing that and it can tell and wont count them. The views are now only at 294,642 so I guess its done. Nice score through a quarter million.