Especially if they have subtitles... Especially if there's some great movies. "Andre Rublev" isn't a movie I like, but I saw it mentioned as a favorite when I was browsing the site earlier, and it's one of the first movies I saw when I came across the YouTube channel below. I just came across this.
I just saw the words "Andre Rublev" and got triggered into a cold sweat. Definitely avoid that movie if you're an animal lover. The director lit a cow on fire, threw a horse down a flight of steps and speared her to death or something like that (no animal cruelty laws in Russia & east European countries, especially in the 60s). For some reason, artsy directors love the realism of killing animals on camera. Oh here's your soapbox back... lol That looks like a cool movie channel. They have Viy which is a cool classic horror/fantasy flick. I sometimes visit the Indie movie channel to see what's off the beaten path... It has lots of low budget stuff but low budget doesn't always mean bad. There are a few gems. For the lesser known classics, here's a good place...
I saw that movie, but don't even remember those scenes! But it was a while ago, and the movie was soooooooo long. Thanks for posting those two channels. I'll check them out right now!