Your Thoughs On Hurricane Katrina

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by HippyCor$ter, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. HippyCor$ter

    HippyCor$ter Ackamonkey

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    It's ovbiously the goverment wasn't ready for this at all. I feel so bad for the people. They live in U.S.A., I don't know about anyone els here, but If I was there and had no connection with the outside world and my kids were starving to death and I didn't know if the rest of my family made it out, I'd be pissed as hell that there is no help in 72 hours. Hell we send food rashions to Africa in C-130's and the goverment can't even help there own people from starving. I would do the same as the people are doing down there. I would brake into a store and steal stuff too if it was the only thing I could do to surrive. Anyone would, animal instint kicks in when you are starving and do not have water, and when you see your kids dehydrated. Tell you the truth Bush is lucky this is his second term, because after this he wouldn't be put into power again after this. The area is massive, you don't send 10,000 troops for an area bigger than 3 states. You just have to see your self in that situation. And I'm betting 100% of you would act the same way as they are.

    What is your opion on this situation?
  2. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    I have no problem with people "stealing" food and water to survive when nothing else is reaching them.

    I'm pretty astounded really, I'm often pessimistic, but I didn't really imagine something this severe happening in my lifetime to a us city, or at least this soon.

    *waits for people to jump on me about nuclear terrorism;) *
  3. Lodog

    Lodog Senior Member

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    Yeah, I was thinking an earthquake would sink LA as the next natural disaster. I lost $5.00 on a bet.
  4. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i dont know that you can call it starving in a 72 hour period....
    i do agree we didnt have a plan in tact...but why would we...our plan isnt to be responsive to events but rather to be reactive.....
  5. HippyCor$ter

    HippyCor$ter Ackamonkey

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    Well seeing how people are Dieing. You know you can only survive with out water for 3 days. Plus they had to get to the super dome. And who knows Most of the houses didn't survive the hurricane. So if you had to swim and use all that energy...
  6. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    yes people are dying.....and you can survive without water for longer than that...thats just the number they tell you....
    people are hungry....and they should be provided for.....

    my boyfriends family lives in new orleans...they got they were lucky
    the whole situation is tragic....absolutely tragic...but i just had a hard time with the word starving...starving makes me think of people who havent had food for a long time....where there muscles are eating themselves....these people might be dehydrating and a couple starving...but the populus isnt starving
  7. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Whats going to become of all that food anyway? They can't really truck it out.

    I'm all for protecting the people, and motherfuck the ones who are firing on cops and rescue personnel
  8. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i say the ones firing on the cops and rescue personnel should be tied to some debree and floated into crocodile teritory....or do they have alligators?
  9. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    but to the original question...hell yeah i would be breaking in and getting food.....but only what i needed for me and my daughter

    hell though, i wouldnt have been there...i would have high tailed it out of there....i know many there didnt have the opportunity but this question is what would i too much of a worry wart and wuss...i would have been out of there.
  10. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    uh i think it sucks. no just kidding, i thought it was quite delightful
  11. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    The Federal Government could have responded much better, responded much more rapidly and effectively; even with depleted resources and man power but it requires intelligent leadership such that much of the bureaucracy is 'short-circuited' and in of this 'short-circuiting' that good decisions are made. We could have been dropping MREs immediately once we new more of the difficulties in key locations all over this 3 state area; emergency evacuations by massive air support from not just federal military helicopters but from the many other sources for this. But all this requires individual insight from a leader who is delegating properly and having direct, hands-on, involvement; and part of this insight requires that events be observed keenly. Now I will hear someone saying that hindsight is 20/20, well I'll answer that with these simple words: Hog Wash.
  12. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i completely agree....but this wasnt an opportunity for our nations leaders didnt know how to bad we havent figured out how to respond to stuff as a nation and to be proactive....perhaps this was/is a lesson....*crosses fingers*
  13. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    I agree with you as well, fingers crossed.

    This is a symptom of leadership that deals with many issues in life in "primitive" ways. "Put up the stop sign after the accident instead of using the resources that indicate that the accident may very well happen and if it does the 'price will be high'". But this goes even deeper; to self honesty and although this appears distant from these errors [response to situations like that caused by Katrina for example] it is actually quite directly related; because as the child grows and is socialized it learns of ways of dealing with world that directly relate to how much of its potential intellectual, emotional, ethical and moral intelligence it will manifest. So, as one example, the child is 'power-hungry' because of how it was conditioned, because that is what was evoked, so the child becomes involved in social dynamics, and lets also say political dynamics in this example, where the child has made further emotional/social/political commitments that further influence how the "child" will act. I want to be careful here to not create the suggestion that people are so simple as this example or analogy; we are all very complex, multifaceted. I believe that we are all children of God, look at the old; if we can see deep within them, which we sometimes can, we see a child. To honor the truth of ourselves in our dealings, no matter how difficult or limited the situation seems, will tend to bring our greatest strengths to manifestation; and, I believe, that there is, actually, no other way; that honoring the truth of our self is what we are already trying to do whether or not we realize that this is the case.



  14. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    There are people all over the country who are hungry & homeless. Why do ya have to be in the middle of a natural disaster in order to get help?
  15. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    because the majority of americans believe its always the poor's fault that they got to where they are, there isn't much of a safety net here, aside from ones family
  16. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    Compassion ?
  17. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Many people have no compassion here, seriously
  18. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    Homelessness can happen to anyone! All it takes is a serious turn of events in one's life; a death in the family; divorce; escaping abusive homes; lack of income due to unemployment; a house fire or losing a home due to natural disaster; or major illness.
    ...even I have lived in a homeless shelter (about 8 yrs ago while pregnant with youngest kid).

    Why does it seem like millions of people only care if the reason you became homeless was because of a hurricane?
  19. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    because thats how it really is, they don't seem to accept that getting violently ill without health insurance, or having absolutely no family money to back you up and losing your job is a legitimate reason....its mind blowing to me.

    My wife is from Europe, REALLY freaks her out, she doesn't get it at all and I can't explain it
  20. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    I was born & raised in USA and it never did and never will make sense to me

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