Tell us curious online readers: 1) What the case was about. 2) Which kind of court was it at. Probate or etc. 3) What was the outcome. Me 1st how it goes? 1) Legal guardianship 2) Probate 3) Parents given legal guardianship
I got nuthin im a good boy..never needed the court system for anything oh time i had to go see the justice of the peace to do a self declaration of ownership...thats it
I have only had divorce papers filed but did not have to be there as it was not contested. I am so boring it is not even funny.
Hello, the only time I was at court was decades ago. Our teacher forced us to visit a court and watch a trial, so that we could write an essay afterwards. Regards Gyro
Never been in for anything. Eventually have to go in to get my name legally changed, but that's time and money I don't have at the moment so I'll just keep the same legal name for the time being
i got selected for jury duty just the other week! i got it postponed though because i will be on vacation at that time
I had charges filed against me 3 times when I was younger. I represented myself all 3 times. 1. I was guilty of this one but got the case dismissed for a lack of evidence. 2. I was definitely not guilty and got the case dismissed. 3. Not guilty on that one either. Had a jury trial and the whole nine yards. Before the trial, the judge "strongly advised" me to not represent myself. After my unanimous acquittal, the judge called me at home and told me it was the best he'd ever seen anyone do at representing themselves and asked me if I ever considered going to law school. So I was kind of proud of that. Quite the experience that I hope I never have to relive. Edit to the jury trial, I was very surprised that the police officers who testified were actually 100% truthful in their testimony.
^ tell me this my first DWI was BAC 0.11 I was pulled over because "there appeared to be people in the backseat arguing," & "noticed a crack on the front windshield." -- the lady asked me if I was drinking. I answered "yes." Took a test and all that, towed the car, got a court case. What could I have done differently? Can I say "am I being detained?" could I have got this thrown out in court because they pulled me over on bullshit? Had I not admitted to the drinking, would they have had to let me go? I don't think ''people appeared to arguing in the back'' is a lawful reason for a stop. -- my 2nd DWI Refusal I just got was a trip. I can tell you more on that.
If you're asking me, I would have plead not guilty and challenged every facet of the case to see if I could get it dismissed....including if they even had a right to stop you to begin with. We had a local lady who got a DUI at 2 am. She was drunk but her attorney got the case dismissed because he showed that the police didn't have grounds to stop her to begin with. As far as what I would have done if I were stopped like that....if you think you will blow over the limit, refuse the test and go to jail. Depending on where you live, they will charge you for the refusal but can't charge you for the DUI because they weren't able to obtain evidence supporting that charge. And these days I would just get an attorney. I wouldn't represent myself again.
1) custody of ME 2) family court 3) my lawyer expressed i did not want to go back home, my mother's lawyer said they didn't want to force me, i became a Ward of the Court.
interesting. perhaps I should've fought the first one. not sure about state-to-state laws, but here, a refusal for breathalyzer is an automatic guilty DWI and a higher probation period. Case #2. (and I did refuse). Yuck.. Public transportation please. I suck at this lol. le sigh.
I too am “as clean as a whistle” but we shouldn't judge the malfeasants too harshly for they deserve their day in court [SIZE=12pt]Hotwater[/SIZE]
Arrested for 'resisting arrest' for refusing permission for sheriff's officers to board my boat, judge threw it out
2008 paraphernalia charge and arrest for weed in vehicle. Girl friend was passenger and she was busted for other charges.
i forgot about my hit and run case the guy pleaded guilty though right before the court date so i didnt have to show up he was also dui but they couldnt prove it so he only got nailed with leaving the scene
There are so many cases that could get tossed if people fight them but a very high number of cases are handled with plea deals. I think that's bullshit. They charge you with every possible thing they can think of and then offer to drop most of the charges in exchange for you not tying up the courts time. People get scared of all the charges and possible legal fees and plead guilty just to make it all go away. That is not a fair system of justice imo. It's a system of intimidation. In my third case, I was offered a plea deal. I counter-offered with different terms. The prosecutor said no so I told him we'll go to court. He was visibly pissed that I beat him. I had his own witnesses testifying as if they were on my side. Just a few weeks ago....this kid who works for me got a number of charges on a bullshit deal that he shouldn't have been charge for at all. He was thinking of just pleading guilty and taking the best deal he could get. It was him and two others. I told him the case against him was dead in the water....get an attorney because this will never even make it to trial. He and one other defendant got private attorneys. His attorney filed for "discovery" and the prosecutor dropped charges that day. Same thing for the other guy with a private attorney. The other person has a public defender and still has charges pending but hopefully will be able to get her charges dropped as well. Had they just accepted some deal....who knows what would have happened. Plus, even if they avoided jail time, they would still have to go through probation and then have it all on their records.
is it true if you fight a case (and lose) you get a bigger sentence than your original plea deal? for example in a dui case 1 year probation vs 1 year stayed. Why risk all that? Aren't some of the differences astronomical? I'm just gonna do what the law wants on this one and stay the fuck out of the country. system's a joke. just traps non violent normals lives.