Mine are as follows: Alex Gray http://alexgrey.com/art/ Andy Goldsworthy http://visualmelt.com/Andy-Goldsworthy Roy Lichtenstein http://lichtensteinfoundation.org/ Alex Tremulis http://www.gyronautx1.com/alex-tremulis.html (He's an industrial designer so that might not count) Ron Mueck http://www.boredpanda.com/13-hyper-realistic-sculptures-by-ron-mueck/ H.R. Giger http://www.hrgiger.com/ I'm sure my list will continue to grow if anyone can list other good ones who I may have overlooked or hadn't heard of.
I never really found older pieces of artwork to be too fascinating for me personally, but I do adore digital and modern fantasy artwork like Louis Royo. Powerful, strong but beautiful and delicate women depicted as tribal warriors etc. I really like that stuff, along with fictional fantasy landscapes.
I always liked Maxfield Parrish's art.....He was famous for his blues....among other things, of course. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=maxfield+parrish+paintings+photos&qpvt=maxfield+parish+paintings+photos&qpvt=maxfield+parish+paintings+photos&qpvt=maxfield+parish+paintings+photos&FORM=IGRE
You might like the art of Frank frazetta....Science Fiction convention's art shows are always filled with this type of art , and many artists do this type of art, but Frank was top in the field..... http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=frank+frazetta's+art+photos&qpvt=frank+frazetta%27s+art+photos&qpvt=frank+frazetta%27s+art+photos&qpvt=frank+frazetta%27s+art+photos&FORM=IGRE#!?q=frank+frazetta%27s+art+photos&view=detailv2&&id=A6E58E720659E8C42C164DAF50A287B9D5235DE4&selectedIndex=186&ccid=kRDTs00I&simid=608048562823825710&thid=OIP.M9110d3b34d08209ccc3ab0dab799e8d1o0&mode=overlay
and WOW to your Ron Mueck link.....almost scary, ugly....but definitely got a reaction from me....and unforgettable stuff.
Georgia O'keeffe.....Such vibrancy! http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=georgia+o'keeffe+art+photos&qpvt=georgie+o%27keefe+art+photos&qpvt=georgie+o%27keefe+art+photos&qpvt=georgie+o%27keefe+art+photos&FORM=IGRE
Henri Matisse..one of the few truly HAPPy artists, and his artwork reflects that Paul Gauguin....I could be here all day....
I think I like georgia's more vibrant colors in the first photo.... oh, and Shaman, I was also wowed by your Alex gray link.....cool stuff..... Salvador Dali and surrealism..... many melting time art depictions.....
Marc Chagall!...and of course, Van Gogh and Munch....and The Scream painting..... We all know those....already....and on and on...i am sure i will be back with more here....later.....
I first discovered Alex Gray after buying the Tool album Lateralus (then all the rest of them). He does the artwork for all of Tool's albums. I got to see him do a live painting at dance party a couple years ago.
Moebius: http://www.moebius.fr/ Yoshitaka Amano: http://amano-artwork.tumblr.com/ Kay Nielsen: http://nielsen.artsycraftsy.com/ Franz von Bayros: https://art.vniz.net/en/bayros/ Aubrey Beardsley: http://www.art.com/gallery/id--a3727/aubrey-beardsley-posters.htm?pe=true And honorable mention to Kris Kuksi: http://kuksi.com/artworks/sculpture/