Your color isn't my color

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by InfiniteOscillations, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. InfiniteOscillations

    InfiniteOscillations Member

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    I know some of you have thought that perhaps the color blue one person sees isn't the color blue for another. Both people have labeled a certain color blue but how do we know another person hasn't always seen colors differently and was told that infact OUR purple was blue. A good example on how this can be possible is that color blind people see every color differently than us. With out the realization that they are blind they would think we were calling two different shades of gray or black or white blue and green! Post your agruements and ideas.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    As long as we both call the same thing blue it does not really matter that we may perceive the color actually different. But I agree, we do not know for sure how the other person perceives a color.
  3. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Well considering the fact that we all have rods in our eyes that each detect a particular color, I'd say we all see the same colors, except those with missing rods. That is what explains color blindness, which is usually only to greenish hues which appear grey to them.

    Remember, colors are actual wavelengths. You either perceive them or you don't. What you're saying is something like, when I listen to a song, it's different for everyone. I don't think so...

  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    A song is much more than one wavelength. We all interpretate songs differently but that's because of our associations with the tunes, lyrics, 'vibes' etc.
  5. InfiniteOscillations

    InfiniteOscillations Member

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    Ah good, good keep 'em coming!

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