young drug users

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by backtothelab, May 9, 2004.

  1. Codmouse

    Codmouse Senior Member

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    NO, I am the biggest druggie!!! Isn't that cool? >_<

    If only everyone did as many drugs as me and wasted their life we would all be happy losers! (ty roor)

    Easily the lamest thing to talk or argue about is how many drugs have been used by anyone. BTW kid, most people on here have used more kinds and more often than you ever will...
  2. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    If I'm the kid in question, I would actually disagree.

    I just used/use them very differently.

    I'm all for everybody taking drugs. Just not taking drugs in the same way that moron keeps trying to pass off as acceptable, or just the way to take drugs.
  3. Codmouse

    Codmouse Senior Member

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    Sometimes roor... You are not the kid :/

    Though, I did just realize that you are 20. You kid you :p
  4. !!oqia97Qkr6l

    !!oqia97Qkr6l Member

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    Holy shit, this topic is not "How Many Drugs Have You Done?"..
    The topic is "young drug users".

    Drug use in youth is not the same as multitudinous drug use.

    And for your information, I'm a respected professional who's furthering their educational career in the fields of medicine AND Cognitive Science, as well as making over $50k a year, and I'm 19. FUCK YOU.

    I'm getting sick of the ignorance on this forum. This is likely my last post here, since I will no longer check up on this site.
  5. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Big words and bold text don't make anything more relevant, it just makes it big and bold.

    Nobody said it's the same thing, but where the thread has gone, and where it was MEANT to go, are young people who take lots (too many, often) of drugs. That IS what it's about. Stop whining about being off topic every time the topic kicks you in the nuts, you liked the topic when you thought you could come out on top.

    You're not a professional or respected, especially not while 19 and still going to school, which is the normal way of saying what you tried to make sound all complex there.

    And you're not making shit per year, except maybe from your trust fund.... maybe they pay you in adderall to snort under the crucifix?

    Fuck if I care if you don't come back, one less aggressively defensive foolish drug user here.
  6. Codmouse

    Codmouse Senior Member

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  7. p0ly

    p0ly Senior Member

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    what a great thread!
  8. p0ly

    p0ly Senior Member

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    hahhahaahahah :mickey:

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