So I went to my friend's house to pick up some movies he borrowed. And when I got there he was coked out of his mind! Man it was nuts.
So? I've never had really good coke, so I don't know what being coked out of one's mind is like. The dozen or so times I've done it, I was left unfazed.
Unless it flaky and shimmering, I won't do it. Well, unless I'm really drunk I guess. Shit I haven't done any in over a year. Coke is way overrated.
Fuck yeah, if it's free, hell yeah I will do it. Is it worth the money people pay for it? Fuck no. I'd much rather spend my money on high quality weed and beer.
depends on how good of a friend your coke dealer is or i should say how much of a coke dealer your friend is don't try to make a friend out of a coke dealer
There's so much coke down here, I get offered it all the time. Then it turns into us doing lines all night and I wake up feeling like shit.
I don't think I've ever had weak blow. Anyways, I'm not understanding what is not to believe- the OP.
After all that I sure hope you got your movies back. Next time make sure he brings them back instead. Hope your friend is ok.