You Know You're Getting Older When...

Discussion in 'Remember When?' started by Ole_Goat, May 25, 2006.

  1. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    You know your getting older when your children tell you,,you have old fashioned first name.
  2. BeaTx

    BeaTx Member

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    It hit me when I was talking with a young adult that wasn't old enough to remember Regan getting shot.

    (do any of you remember thinking it was SO cool to get one of those adapter things that allowed you to play a cassette through your 8-track player?) ;)

    Peace and Love,
  3. shaggie

    shaggie Senior Member

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    When you can remember when triple-blade razors were a comedy sketch on the original Saturday Night Live and now they are real. Actually, triple is outdated now. I saw one that has four blades.

    Like the old comedy sketch on Saturday Night Live said, "Why the triple blade? Because you'd buy anything." :)

  4. Axis: Bold As Love

    Axis: Bold As Love Member

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    ...when you die.
  5. Alaskan

    Alaskan Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Hit me last summer, when a kid was trying to tell me how to fish.
    Thought to myself, the line on my reel is older than he is. Guess its time to load my reel with some new line.......
  6. BudBill

    BudBill Dark Helmet

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    Your broad mind has changed places with your narrow hips :)
  7. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    You Know your gettin older when you start attending your high school peer's funerals..
  8. Michaela

    Michaela Member

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    It's been brought to my attention twice; just this past year:

    The first time was when I was in a check-out line in a store, and the kid at the register said to me cheerfully, "Senior discount, Ma'm?!" To which I said, "H__ No!!" (And, I'm frugal !) I immediately got out of the line and
    went and checked out the hair color section.

    The second time was when I was in a Rasputin Music Store to peruse their record album collection ... I asked the kid clerk, "Could you kindly direct me to your record section?"

    The kid's eyes scanned the people around us, then took my elbow and very politely took me aside, and whispered in my ear, "Ma'm (that word again!) - we don't call them
    'records' anymore - they're called 'vinyls' now.."

    I was mortified - I felt so out of it! What a reality check!
    Vinyls! You don't say! Yikes! When did that happen?!

    I am now convinced that it's those youngsters that'll get you every time! The little darlings!

    Sincere Regards, Michaela


    "They will never make a perfect heart until they make
    one that can't be broken."

    ....... The Wizard, "The Wizard of Oz"
  9. deezee

    deezee Member

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    i was at a house of blues show last year. it was benefit and i thought most people were there to see the headliner like i was. turns out most of them were kids who were there to see the opening band who i thought were local and unknown. when the main act came on the kids around me all got confused. one guy turned to me and asked "who is this?". i had to sadly reply "elvis costello". to make matters worse the next day when at my local staples. another customer and i were discusing john lennon. the girl behind the counter sincerely had NO CLUE who john lennon was. when i said "you know john lennon..the beatles".she still was clueless because she THOUGHT she'd heard of the beatles but had never seen a picture of them.
    it was a pretty depressing weekend for this old timer.
  10. 420MAN

    420MAN Member

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    I always thought they were called LPs and my 45's out # my LPs 25 to one and all of yellow centre piece so you play your 45s that cover the floor and your mother bitching at you to clean up
  11. Alaskan

    Alaskan Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Feeling old, I'm older now than my dad was when he passed away.

    The first time I saw VH1-TV.. about 20 years ago, I recall a phrase they used.
    " Music for the generation who took acid to get it together, who now take antacid to keep it together". That about says it all.......
  12. young_deadhead

    young_deadhead I Love Lucy

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    i met a girl who had never heard of the beatles either or the who. I couldnt believe it.
  13. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You know you're getting older when:

    you catch yourself thinking: "In the old days, nobody needed a cellphone to store phone numbers and addresses, take pictures, take videos, meet with friends, go on dates, act as alarm clocks, etc."

    your earliest memory of a cellphone was a large bulky model that had an extendable antenna and flip cover.

    the first time you used a computer the screen was black, the characters were green, and the floppy disk was big.

    you complain to your boss that your establishment ought to stop using Windows 98 because it's been obsolete for the longest time, only to realize that the 98 stands for the year you turned eighteen.

    you find out your high school principal is dead and most of your former teachers are retired.

    you realize that your high school reunion is this year.

    that hot, fresh-out-of-college high school teacher you've been fantasizing about for the longest time is now at least ten pounds heavier, married, and a mother.

    Even the thin kids in your class are getting fat.

    you're watching mtv and the vj introduces a classic rock song: Smells Like Teen Spirit.

    you can still remember playing Pacman, Loderunner, Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt and Tetris.
  14. Freekowtski

    Freekowtski Member

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    Yeah, I find it harder to buy some. At least, there are those second hand shops and collectors markets, where I can find them!
  15. CalicoSilver

    CalicoSilver Member

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    When you think the font in magazines has gotten MUCH SMALLER than it was in the 70's .....

    When you buy the biggest flat screen TV you can afford, and STILL CANT SEE IT FROM ACROSS THE ROOM ....

    I'd say these were my first, not-so-subtle clues I perhaps was getting a bit long in the tooth ...
  16. NotDeadYet

    NotDeadYet Not even close.

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    It first hit me that I was old when I saw a list of the current Top Ten songs and only recognized the names of two artists. I was already at the point where I could identify 90% of the songs on the Oldies stations within the first three notes.
  17. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I was at a party this week where a guy my age was trying to sell his extra Paul McCartney at Fenway Park ticket and he starts telling this story I've heard hundred times about mentioning "Elvis" to some young kid and the kid thought he meant "Elvis Costello" and I'm thinking, "Oh boy, it's much worse than that."
  18. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    you realize that any child born during the Woodstock festival would be forty years old next month.....:)
  19. Ole_Goat

    Ole_Goat Member

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    Totally forgot about this thread, but adding to it, I girl I knew in High School has gotten a partial hip replacement.
  20. caliente

    caliente Senior Member

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    I think I have lots of little epiphanies. One of them involves my kids ... they're 20 years old, university students, and one of the epiphanies that I find a bit amusing (although also annoying) is when their friends condescend to me, as if I'm too old to understand their mindset. Or worse, that I'm somehow the "enemy".

    I think it's beyond their comprehension that I was once 20, too. Their world is different than mine was, of course, but they're not, and they don't get that.

    What's more, they seem to want the "understanding" part to be one-way only. Their expectation is that anyone of their parents' generation has to put forth great effort to try and understand them, but that it doesn't go the other way.

    The sex thing is funny, too. My two girls are cool about it ... the three of us have always been very open about discussing sexuality, so they have no problem with me having a sex life.

    But again, their friends seem to think that they invented sex, and someone my age couldn't possibly have any knowledge or insight on the subject. Now how funny is that? ... LOL

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