You Know, There's A Third Choice...............

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by estroandro, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Mada

    Mada Member

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    It's strange... for a while sexuality was a serious issue when I finally acknolwedged...yeah I like girls too.
    But really its not the persons gender that is the issue, it really is whether that individual attracts you (or intrigues your senses) in some way.
    When drugs come in, it really is whether they fit into your trip just right or not. Do they gel?
    People shouldn't have a problem with labels. I struggled with it for a long time (still do to an extent) especially when your society cannot and will not accept difference. Sexuality and sensulality are natural characteristics that we should accept. Some face it more than others, but ultimately dont get hung up on labels. It is individuality that we should celebrate.
    personally, I fin acid sex the best. It is so intense, that it shatters you completely. In the aftermath, you feel reborn again. Imagin that?

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