_______________ Well I'm kind of on the dul side that's why I want people to go in my Well How about that? post and tell me what you think of the guy.
hehe... but bell, you're just not a part of the "cool" internet crowd. haha, sorry to break it to ya. how has your day been?
I'm fine. I've always ben too cool. I'm the finest of the cool but only a select few can ever reach the top so the rest can't see me.
im on the top of the too cool for cool mountain sippin on pinacolada, and chillin out with the knowledge that im too cool for all you wannabe coolies!
________________________ You are new here so let me explain the rules. 1. I am Bellfire 2. You are not 3. You can never be me 4. You will never be me 5. You may stand in my shadow but don't stay there too long 'cause you'll block the light from my good side.
haha thats funny...yeah unless you get another mountain...a bigger better one like mine - no donna you are not invited to my cool side where i leave a shadow over bellfires goodside and can pisson her head from up here
__________ Where was my defense when interval said I had fallen off the top of the cool mountain drinking a slurpee. (I heard nothing in my defense except a resounding burb.)
well on my mountain noone is allowed to say things like : Cheese is good but God is better this angers me, as it is a false statement! False! Cheese is way better, hey god? god agrees
________________ Go to my Well How about that? post and tell me what or who you think the guy looks like.