It says so right here.
Human body is common currency of the species. Your demarcations are of the cult, culture. Culture is an artifice for group cohesion. Says not one thing about metabolism save we are social and feel safer in groups.
I find Odon to be one of the more intelligent, well-educated, read and reasonable persons here. Thank you for the compliment.
I don't find odonll to be self congratulatory but I find you both amenable even if it is not reflected.
Me and Odon don't always 100% see eye to eye but I always respect what he has to say even when we don't always agree. It seems he at least tries to understand all sides of things.
Amenable. I had to look up that word. Been a real long time since I had to look up a word here. Thanks! But it has so many different meanings that I still have no clue what you mean.
You are in good company but I don't mind explaining a punch line because when you do it it tends to knock you out, of rhythm, by causing one to pause to consider, ex. look up amenable. I am all about unlocking the light, in your mind.
Okay try again. Pride and humility are the same vain apprehension of your true value. I would just as soon insult you if I thought it would make you reach for a genuinely higher opinion of yourself.