Things are gonna slide in all directions / won't be nothing you can measure anymore
i am not most people i have never been most people i do not wish ever to become most people i prefer the company of those who also do not, or none at all. i do not love, hate nor desire companionship. and yet i love hugs, and wish for everyone to be able to be happy i am capable of enjoying intelligent company on occasion. preferable in finite doses. unintelligent company in infinitely smaller ones. unless in the form of small furry creatures and even they can over do it on occasion. nearly everything i enjoy doing, i do and enjoy doing better, when i'm by myself. every one of them involves some kind of creating or exploring. none of them require the approval or appreciation of others, though this also is appreciated. i do not wish my thoughts to be judged by their being mine. but as disembodied thoughts, without blame or credit to living persons but only on the basis of their own merit or lack of it. as like wise i judge the thoughts of others not as belonging to anyone, but as thoughts themselves. trees (nature), trains (infrastructure), computers (artifacts), and little furry creatures (nature again) those four words sum up what interests me, at least by comparison with being social for its own sake, or being "entertained" (by sports, drama, or the rest of the usual mundane twaddle) which do not. i attempt to illustrate the kind of world i would like to live in not to impose it on others, but for it to cross their minds that such things ARE actually possible however much the ideology of symbolic value, might prefer that it not.
the wind i believe in. humans i'm not so sure about. i don't know humans from atoms, but the wind is pretty cool.