....That's a bumper sticker I saw on a car yesterday. So I'm making one that says....."The Catholic church burned a million people at the stake. Pro-life, really?"
If I was a catholic I would not let my opinion on this matter be influenced by a fellow believer with a fancy car sticker text but yeah.
Catholic's have a lot going against them, don't take them too seriously. They don't need anyone to point out their faults for them, they do it so well themselves.
they are more pro-birth than they are pro-life. after that child is born they dont want anything to do with it in terms of supporting it or making sure it has its needs met.
Here's just some crazy ideas. 1) Don't have sex? 2) Use birth control? 3) Stick with just foreplay? Before I became a muslim I tended to use option #2 but today I vote for option #1
The lie maybe that sex is loving motivation when the impulse is distinctly geared toward procreation. Infatuation is biochemical inducement. I do not attempt to speak for aniximenes but that is what I get from what was said.
Love is fatal, but lies en-cured are not. We have a choice to believe the lies of the future of Godly America or not. It is written too.:sunny:
The impulse might not be so distinctly geared towards procreation. Gays and lesbians have great sex from what I hear. So the loving motivation may or may not be a lie. Exposing the lie does not de-cypher sex. The same could be said for sex. Or love for that matter.
The talking snake? Or the one eyed in your trousers? Hey, if the right one don't get you the left one will. No one gets off this marble alive...except on a UFO, like Enoch and Elijah did.
The Catholic Church, I get it now, just wants to explain the perfect arrangement for stranger's (and acquaintance's) confrontation on face to face contacts all over the community for invitation and introduction. People don't believe in self-intorductions as much as they used to.:sunny:
Is an example when religion gets muddled up in politics. Just like all the millions killed by protestants in death camps, or by nukes, or by poison gas, or by possibly a trillion other methods protestant governments have created. Personally I have always believed that abortion is murder. And I believed this long before I ever became relgious. It's very easy to NOT get pregnant so there's no excuse for it. Therefore the ONLY VALID REASON and ONE TOLERABLE EXCUSE for an abortion and that is if there's a medical problem or in the case of rape. (Now this is just my opinion)