By far the greatest thing to happen to mankind. Seems to me though most chicks own them for the appearance and not the intended use.
the confusing part is how girls keep saying things like "i wish he would stop looking at me, i was wearing my yoga pants instead of something attractive."
Meh. It's a very common self deluded ploy.. I've be caught looking at girls (not in a pervy overly sexual way) only to have them look at me and turn their nose up looking bothered and indignant. Yet.. They're wearing clothing that would cause anyone straight gay, male or female with a pulse to turn their head and look. I'm sure had I been their type; a little more tall, vain, dark, handsome, money grubbing, modern looking, etc. They probably would have enjoyed the attention.
I've been to some yoga classes and a lot of people let farts loose and nobody was laughing. My friend & I were cracking up and trying to hold the laughter in. We couldn't breathe.
Okay.. This needs to be one of those must provide pictures threads, according to me. Otherwise it's pointless.