YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! i was just reading the post earth momma posted about convincing ur parents to let u get dreads, and i have been fighting about this with my motherfo like a year now, but she finlaly caved just now when i told her that if she dodnt like them that if u used conditioner before the three months or whatever they would come out AND SHES LETTING ME HVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!! m hopefully gettin them done today and imsoooooooooooo happy!!! ill post pix when i get my babies!!!!!!!! oh and ne tips on how to backcomb???? thnx!!
when you are back combing make sure as you go down you keep the peice youve back combed solid. sometimes it hurts your hand and takes alot of back combing to make them really solid, but you will get a much better looking result if you make it very nice at first.