This was on CBS Sunday Morning today. I remember sharing yawns with my dog Sunny. Either he would yawn and get me going or vice versa. This morning I was yawning all the way through this segment of the show. Enjoy!
You never know for sure. Perhaps your cat was trying to pay better attention to whatever fascinating thing you were doing or saying. Then again ... maybe not.
Their are few other animals on the planet that have such diverse characters as cats. They certainly know who likes them and it is not always the person providing the food. Our old cat used to wait for Jane to get up in the mornings, before joining me in bed and kneading me with his claws. Our current cat, his son and now very old himself is very different. About the only thing that they had in common was loving our dog.
@wilsjane Generations of cats! How lucky for you Probably a reason why you remained sane all these years, besides having Jane by your side