I am trying to help a friend(with very little money......but lots of talent and ability) to move back to America. She would like to connect with other old hippies(she is forty seven) in the area of Yachats, and would be especially interested in any news of work and accomodation(preferably together), such as nannying or housekeeping. This is a very talented lady,who has worked as an artist,writer,musician,gardener and mother! She is very spiritually minded and would love to do any work involving working on the land. She misses home and is eager to return as soon as possible. Does anyone know of any communities that offer accomodation in exchange for work? Can any of you help? love Moominmamma
I'm in Florence, the next town south of Yachats. I'm not an old hippy, uh wouldn't really classify myself as a "hippy". But I'm open for amigos of all ages. If needs someone to play in the woods with or dig in the dirt or whatever tell her to shoot me an e-mail.
Tom, did you used to have the moniker "Levis Daddy" ? Either way thanks for your offer of friendship, I will pass the message on to my friend. She is currently missing her old home very much, especially the coast. I just wish I could think of some way to help her, posting on here was the only thing I could think of, love Moominmamma
Ah thank you for clearing that up, this old brain doesn't always twig on to the new name changes! Well my friend would I think put herself in the "old hippy" category , but as you say that is not a problem! I'll get her to give you an e-mail next time she visits me, thanks Moominmamma
maybe thereĀ“s enough advice left for another brother in need. i am considering move to ashland, thereabouts in mid june. will need friends, work, lodging until settled. kinda burned out after a few really intense years in europe. lalunamusica@rock.com. blessings jesse