I just heard about this a couple days ago. Perhaps you already know but Xylitol, an ingredient found in many sugar free products, is poisonous to dogs. The ingredient is found in many sugar free gums, mints etc. but also found in some peanut butters, candies, tooth paste, protein bars, other snacks and a wide range of products. It can be more dangerous than chocolate causing low blood sugar and liver failure. Keep these products out of your dog's reach. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/common-sweetener-xylitol-blamed-for-dog-deaths/ This site lists many of the products containing Xylitol http://www.preventivevet.com/xylitol-products-toxic-for-dogs
I use xylitol as sugar substitute. Which my dog never seemed interested in anything it was ever in..I am careful about what my dog eats. I read the same article a few days ago and was surprised it was toxic to dogs which acai is also toxic to dogs. We can't assume everything that we consume is safe for pets. Thanks for posting this spectacles :daisy:
My mom just told me about this yesterday. There were a good handful of people on (some News show on TV) whose pets died from ingesting this alternative sugar. I thought I heard dogs can't tolerate Sucralose too, but I could be wrong. Grapes/Raisins, onions, garlic, chocolate, xylotol... shit, that's a lot to watch out for. That's why I tell everyone that comes over "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMAL." That and I don't want her begging for fricken handouts every time I sit down to eat something. Which has worked amazingly well