... the fuck? http://www.nme.com/news/wu-tang-clan/72660 the greatest hip hop group of all time... to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of their first album... a hipster friendly fixed gear bike with no hand brakes. complete in their colors black and yellow like a killer bee bring da motha fuckin ruckus!
Yeah that's just plain stupid. They should have celebrated with gold teeth and scantily clad bitches.
Wu-Tang is the greatest hip-hop collective ever. STFU. Anyone who thinks they were all about gold teeth and "scantily clad bitches" doesn't know WTF they're talking about.
Oh really? Explain to the stupid masses WTF we should talk about then when it comes to the greatest hip-hop collective ever.
I doubt you've ever listened to more than three of their songs. You're already made it clear that you're biased against ALL hip-hop music. And while I agree there has been a lot of crap put out over the years (which can be said for all genres of music), there has also been a lot of good stuff released as well.
True, I don't like hip-hop. Not biased, just don't like it. Same as yodeling, I do not voluntarily listen to yodel music. Hip-hop is associated with a certain subculture, don't act all high and mighty and pretend you don't know.
wu tang is awesome. but at the risk of sounding stupid, how do you stop a bike without hand brakes? does it have the brakes on the pedal like kids bikes usually do? Or do hipsters just ride forever?
I actually googled this. After finding a dutch to english site, I have determined that you are correct, sir.
I think that rather than celebrating to 20th anniversary of their first album, someone paid them some money to use their trademark.
No, they don't have coaster brakes These kind of hipster bikes are adopted from 'fixed gear' Track bikes. The rear hub is linked solid, you can pedal the bike backward if you want, and thats how you slow them, by just back pressure against the pedals. Some very strong skilled riders can lock up the rear wheel by just standing on the pedals hard but it's still fuckin stupid in my opinion. Put at least a front hand brake on the mo'fo' if you're gonna ride in traffic I was into track bikes before track bikes were cool
State Bicycle of Arizona is manufacturing the bike. It comes with pedals and front and rear brakes, although the promotional pic doesn't show them. http://www.statebicycle.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=wutangbike "{Q}Do State Bicycles come with brakes and pedals? [A] Yes.All State Bicycles will come with a front & rear brake and pedals with toe cages. Often times the bicycles are photographed without pedals and brakes, which is for artistic and aesthetic purposes only."