Wu Li Master Bullshit! Wu Li Master met a Zen Master at a harbor pier,Both, waiting for the same ferry boat to arrive,Upon a beautiful, warm sunny summer's day.When after awhile the Zen master spoke up,Claiming he had studied for several decades,Perfecting the lost art of walking on water!Mastering it, so he could now teach anyone.Taken aback, blurting out Wu Li exclaimed,Twenty years studious dedicated application!Why? When, the ferry is only a dollar and it's a long walk!Not quite sure how anyone could possibly respond to that;Upon pondering deeply what the Wu Li Master had said,He suddenly chose to beg him, just as humbly as he could,To teach him, the finer mystical arts of slinging bullshit!Wu Li replied that the hardest lesson for most to learn,Is the one, people have trouble believing:Never underestimate your own potential!You can also study the comedy of masters!Starting with studying the better cartoons,Such as toddlers, cockroaches, and chickens.Who wrote the book on making any cartoons,Who may yet teach any old clown new tricks,Even old dogs, having a soft spot for toddlers,Gentle humor, and not just all the rough stuff!Learning to laugh gently, at ourselves as well,As laughing at all the foolishness of the world,Learning to enjoy all laughter for its own sake,Naive laughter at the naked man in the parade!Cartoon logic applies easily, to almost anything,Laughing because, of any extreme juxtaposition,Two dimensions can describe a quarter of all life,Including the classical mathematics and physics!Famous as the school of the Bull-With-Diarrhea!The gentle old bull, who's been put out to pasture;The old ox, that all the little kids still enjoy riding,Emphasizing gentle humor, that's never too pushy.Humor in all silent victories, in silent explanations,Produces many completely off-the-wall punch lines!The kind that can make everyone in the room groan!The kind you are not certain, you want to remember!Toddlers are capable of saying the damnedest things!The hysterical kind causing some to roll on the floor!Toddler ignorant wisdom, is only gained by attrition!Toddlers are forever, natural born clowns and artists!Toddler comedy, is by far the more difficult to master!Toddlers being so dim, they never know what's funny!Toddlers being clueless about just how funny they are!Toddlers all being funny, when they're not even trying!Rolling along with punch lines counts for extra points!But, the tiniest tots can tirelessly sling zingers all day!Unaware to begin with what they are actually saying,Unaware where they are and who they are talking to,Some unaware, they have even soiled their diaper!Some unwittingly, sticking anything in their mouth,Knowing that the only thing they know is nothing,Their zingers have all the more impact and punch!Occasionally, they'll make mean men hysterical!Thus upon reflection involving actual thinking;Including still scratching my head quizzically!Not to mention, a lot of begging the question,Fending off, any red herrings and strawmen!While debating if there are any finer points,What the hell the words might really mean!Meaning 90% of everything, is half mental!While half of anything mental is your heart,Like an echo chamber filled with rubber balls,Poetry in motion can look a lot, like pure chaos!Clowns bumble along, forever changing direction,Some even refusing to watch where they are going!Whenever the lights may be on, but nobody is home!Running around, like a chicken with its head cut off!Forever attempting to gain, everyone else's attention!Screaming and shouting warning us the sky is falling!Bouncing off all the walls as if they're made of rubber!Or playful toddlers, constantly getting into everything,And following rainbows, butterflies, and dust bunnies!Exploring their world, the only way they know how to,Exploring their own world, by playing with everything!Never forgetting all any of us, ever wanted was to play,Never forgetting who's love they really admire the most;Never forgetting, they really want everyone to be happy!Never forgetting how they may easily forgive and forget!Never forgetting, how they might keep paying it forward!Never forgetting, to help each other back up on their feet!Never forgetting they are all actually brothers and sisters!Never forgetting we're all just Big Babies to someone else!Each walking down the road, less traveled by most others,Each taking a different path, up the exact same mountain,Some stop one another from falling, walking hand in hand.Still many of us, are more accomplished clowns than others!Some of us can have confidence, without any foolish hubris;Like a batter who enjoys playing so much, they never choke!Remember underestimating your potential is a huge mistake!Cultivate learning to relax and just do what you know to do,Cultivate learning, how to tell new jokes without falling flat!Trying not to be funny we sometimes live to regret succeeding,Trying too hard to be serious, we may forsake our contentment,Trying too hard to be hilarious your jokes just aren't that funny,Trying too hard to make someone else like you is another mistake.For every comedian must first, cultivate faith in their own humor,Running in circles screaming and shouting if that is what's required,To master the fine art of slinging bullshit, follow your gentle laughter.