Wtf, Lebs Outta Get The Fuck Out!

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by WeeDMaN, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    Fuck Im so pissed, I jus got beat down by 3 lebs,why? I have no idea, becuz I dont worship thier religion , they outta get the fuck outta this country, Im so pissed right now I could go out and stab those bastards.
  2. Green

    Green Iconoclastic

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    Whats a leb?
  3. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    lebonese. They run around edmonton like they own the fuckin place.
  4. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    maybe you should get your buddies together and take back your town!! yeah, that's YOUR land! the lebonese shoudl go back to where they came from!!
  5. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    on a serious note, i'm sorry you got jumped. that really sucks
  6. hailtothekingbaby

    hailtothekingbaby Yowzers!

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    You mean Lebanese? From Lebanon?

    What I'd do is wait until nightfall, then bust into their houses, destroy their property, load them into trucks and put them in camps. That'd teach them!
  7. Varuna

    Varuna Senior Member

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    Yeah . . . that sucks.

    Maybe they were ignorant of your God-given Native right to live unharassed by foreigners . . . Or maybe they mistook you for an ignorant and personally dehumanizing bigot . . . Please try to forgive them, because, you know, everyone makes mistakes.

    If you see them again, maybe you should talk to them about their fucked-up prejudices, ask them why they thought it acceptable to treat you like an animal. Who knows, you might learn something that will prevent future ass-kickings. You don't really want more of this stupid racist violence, do you?

    Peace and Love
  8. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Same thing happened in Ottawa.

    That's when the heshers came to school with lead pipes and hospitalised three of em.

    They dropped out of school.
  9. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    hahahha, thanks guys, I had the funniest idea of sellin em as slaves :p. nah I aint gonna forgive em, because what they did was purpose, they do it alot around here, what they really need is a good beatin. Cuz lebs are all talk, I mean, they where like 19-20 and they need 3 guys to beat me. Like wtf.
  10. Trippin' Billies

    Trippin' Billies Senior Member

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    if you got hate in your heart let it out...
  11. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    you gotta learn how to avoid lebs, we have a problem with them here except its usually that theyre pussy ass pussy whipped metrosexuals who work out, wear tight shirts, and drive loud cars, but are sensitive little lebanese boys that their mama raised, on the inside.

    but man you gotta at least know how to spell lebanese before you can diss 'lebs' lol
  12. gotta say the obvious.....


    America..... if you can't nuke it, shoot it or bomb it.... you burn it

    of course edmonton is in britain right? so that might not apply.......
  13. LordHelmet

    LordHelmet Member

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    edmonton is in canada, at least there is an edmonton in canada. and what you really need to do is take a page out of an old american playbook... one night get a bunch of your beer buddies together, and raid your mom's linen closet.. find some extra lumber and some flammable fluid to soak the wood in... now you may not see where i'm going with this, so i'll keep going... then you take the wood and cut it so one piece is like 15 ft long and cut another so it's like 7 ft. put em together perpendicular like and soak it in gasoline (or whatever other flammable liquid is available). then you and all your beer buddies get nice and toasty..... then take the whites you stole from your moms linen closet and dress yourselves up in them.... cutting out just eye holes so you can still see.... then you take this wooden, gasoline soaked wooden structure down to the lebanese neighborhood, let them know you are there by some shotgun shots or throwing rocks, and let them find you and your buddies rallied around the wooden monstrosity, which is now hoisted up, resembling a cross, and you have lit this structure on fire. take one of the little buggers out of their house and let them know they're not welcome by beating him or a simple lynching......

    .... or you could just not talk shit back to them when they come to give you some shit....
  14. freesmile

    freesmile Banned

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    well said, hate and violence are never the way, especially when aimed at a certain race or nationality, because where I come from that would be classed as racism, and I think that yes what they did was wrong but that gives absolutely no authority to attack and critisize the people from one whole country, its like me saying "oh I was attacked bu someone with blue eyes, so I am so pissed off I am going to get my gun and take out every blue eyed guy and girl I see"
    peace and love michael xxx

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