Any endeavor that requires creativity is art. Art can be anything, anywhere. That's the beauty of it.
Yes, writing is an art. And like other arts, such as painting, sculpture, music, writing requires basic skills.Vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation are essential mechanics to good writing. However, these are crafts of a wordsmith. Art is creatively using the crafts to convey ideas, emotions, inspire or cause the reader to think.
Sometimes the art can go a bit too far for most of us mere mortals. Tradition testifies and history verifies that one Mary at one time was possessed of a member of the genus Ovine whose excellence in blood and neatness of manner had rendered its exterior fringe the colour of the purest driven snow. Wherever did this young lady perambulate, the aforementioned quadruped would presently approximate thither.
It ain't brain science, or rocket surgery. What is art, may be a real question. Whether decent writing attempted seriously is or isn't art, is a stupid question. No offense.
I've noticed that writers often refer to writing as their 'craft'. But obviously some writing has artistic merit - probably the bulk of it has very little.
Craft is fixing sentences, changing things around to best effect, getting rid of useless words, etc. Writing the stuff is the art. They can both be considered "writing" generally. Probably, you've not read the "bulk". You might start with a smattering.
No doubt that writing is an ART! Writing a novel, a story, an essay, and even an ordinary message is all art. Frankly, this is a difficult topic for me, but I always got help here when I needed to write. Let's imagine that you can say that writing is just usual thing but i don't think so..