Wasn't sure where to put this... so I put it here. Anyway, my wife and I were shopping yesterday when in the produce section I see the back side of a young woman about 20 feet away. Perfect figure in my liking. Then a few minutes later I see her again in the bread area, and now I see this angels face. PRETTY. I mean.... PRETTY. Wow. I am looking at a woman that is the perfect example of what I am attracted to the most. About 5' "4.. ever so slightly overweight, curvy, brunette...soft and perfect. All I can think about for several minutes is her. Then later I come face to face with her as we both are getting eggs at the same time. My wife went off to get something she needed in pharmacy. I look at her, she looks at me...our eyes lock and she held it... what??...and she smiles. Glances down, and glances back up and still smiles. She continues to smile as she reaches to place her eggs into her cart. Looks at me, smiles again and walks away. I am under no delusions. I am 56. Granted, I honestly look pretty good for 56, but that doesn't mean a woman in her, probably, late 20s thinks I am attractive. But that smile. I know polite smiles, I know nervous smiles... I know embarrassed smiles. This was a real smile. And she chose to look me in the eyes, not once ,or twice - but three times. What was that? Maybe she knew I thought she is beautiful. Maybe she was complimented by that. I don't know. She did a number on me. ** P.S. I am happily married. I love my wife. I honestly wouldn't dream of doing anything with this woman, in the highly unlikely event she wanted to and asked. I wouldn't. But, I am not dead either.
I entered a new to me massage parlor unannounced. The chimes over the door rang softly to let them know I was in the lobby. Hearing the clickity clack of high heels coming up the hallway piqued my interest and around the corner stepped the most beautiful Chinese woman I have ever laid eyes on. Strikingly so. Her smile greeted me, her eyes danced as I looked into them, and my legs turned to rubber as she asked what I wanted. Foot massage, full body, hour or more? All I could say was "Oh my." She took me by the hand after a subtle giggle and put me in a room. I readied for the massage while hoping she would be the one to take care of me. My hopes were confirmed as it was she who came in the room. Not only has she a beautiful face she knows massage very well. I hit the mother load. We hit it off right away and she took great care, listened to my problem areas, worked slowly, provided suggestions for improvement in my physical well being, and in the end made me very happy. I discovered her body is as beautiful as her face as her clothes fell away at one point during the session. Since that first time I have returned for a massage many times over the last couple of years. I have enjoyed more of her than any other masseuse I have had over the years yet we have never had intercourse. I still think 'Wow, this girl is truly amazing'.
Every once in a while we run into women like you two have mentioned and it can only be considered a gift .We'll always remember then .
Yes, at 70, neatly trimmed grey beard, ponytail with button down dress shirt and curiously funny hat, I also get smiles from the 20s and 30s. Occasionally I'll walk past them and in brief passing, say 'You're a really pretty lady." and then move right on. It's really nice looking back and watching them come completely unraveled. Someone complimented them without hitting on them. They can finally feel it's truthful. Great fun. It's like hitting their mental cervix and seeing them go, 'Oh!".
I went to a restaurant with a couple of people, I was the guy, there was the couple The waitress was so freaking good looking! Even with her mask on I played cool and avoided looking at the waitress too much because we were not just guys there, they were both facing me and she would have seen my visual interest
I do most of our grocery shopping and the women are amazing! A few days ago, a lovely young lady in her 20's called my name and hurried over to give me a big hug. I saw some men looking at me, wondering what secret formula led to that. I've known her since she was born and hadn't seen her for a long time, so it was like a "family hug" but that didn't make it any less enjoyable.
All you do when that happens is look those men straight in the eye and wink. They'll never know the real reason for the hug. Only speculate you and she have a thing going on. By winking you leave them wondering as to your game even though there is nothing there but two friends who hadn't seen each other for a while.