Wow. Am I ever Gonna Find Her?

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by LonelyHunter, May 14, 2014.

  1. Peaceful_LotusFlower

    Peaceful_LotusFlower Member

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    You're welcome! And I'm sure there's a woman out there for you. Just continue to be yourself and talk to woman. Once someone clicks with you, who knows what will happen, you know? It's hard but try to remain patient and trust me it's worth the weight. :grouphug:
  2. scralet

    scralet Guest

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    After several years of marriage every men and women feeling same. # Scarlet #
  3. LonelyHunter

    LonelyHunter Member

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    LOL, not entirely true... take my my mom and dad of 47 years, for example... they wouldn't dare dream of such a thing
  4. CC23

    CC23 Member

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    In theory your ideal person exists and lives and breathes and is looking for you both...but she likely is not looking on this forum nor does she live near you! LOL...I guess you should never give up but I have heard that "unicorn" theme a lot. I think I would be willing to try something out like that while single but ultimately I am really looking for a man of my own with the occasional play with other women.
  5. LonelyHunter

    LonelyHunter Member

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    Thanks CC, definitely didn't come on here to find this person we seek, just to chat and discuss. it's looking like the occasional play with other women might be much more likely to happen, how sad. That actually is more work, having to make sure these 'various women' are clean. We will not be bringing in disease into our lovely home. So there's that. We are reading books on polyamory, in fact that word is becoming a common household word these days. This is such an evolved way of thinking and being that I sincerely feel it's the next step to further humanity. Monogamy was the best way to go back in the old days when people only lived to the ripe age of 30. Now a days with living into 80s and 90s loving only one person for life is the reason so many people are miserable, the reason for the high divorce rates. Getting married is bringing goverent into a relationship. As my good friend says, it's a legal contract. It is seeming more and more unnecessary to me. I only married because it was the 'right thing to do.' Screw that! Society is backwards. I even laughed and said to my husband, "we should get divorced. Stay together but divorce, imagine THAT statement!"
  6. CC23

    CC23 Member

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    Wow, that is a very progressive view...I think as a young woman I crave a close connection with someone, but I guess it is possible to have that same connection to more than one. I think there are certain parts of my brain/soul that crave a person-to-person connection and not person-to-person-to-person in a triangle.

    For sex, it's quite simple because it's easy to be lost in the feelings/pleasures of both partners, but emotionally long after the glow of the orgasms are gone I think I would feel differently perhaps?

    For instance, say I have two really great best friends. I love them both to death, and I am one of their best friends, but together the two of them are just not best friends. No matter how much I want us three to be best friends altogether it may not happen. Things get more complicated past 2 I think in some cases...and could find that person you want!

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