Here are some people having a good time in Felixstowe Oh! Look out! Here comes the man with wooden teeth! I wouldn't like to meet him in Topshop. NOW CHOOSE!
No, the following options available are. "Would you rather have wooden teeth or wake up everyday in felixstowe?"
so i can choose to have wooden teeth and be in a cupboard? can i take them out in the cupboard or are they attached?
The wooden teeth are in replacement of your own teeth, and so correspond to the physical laws of your present chompers. In most cases they are attached. After the initial decision free will prevails and you can do whatever the hell you like, sit in a cupboard, drink a cup of tea or even lie under an ice cream van.
i'd totally have the wooden teeth, with those mighty gnashers you could chomp through anything! steel, granite, jam, you name it! plus those happy looking hellraisers in felixstowe look a bit too wild for me. i suppose i could munch through their crazy parties with my wooden canines and bring justice to the hedonistic demons (and all the buggers in burgess hill, just cuz they deserve it), but no, that would be wrong wouldn't it... at least that's what my doctor says