Would you Rather...

Discussion in 'Games and Contests' started by niteryder, May 2, 2018.

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  1. niteryder

    niteryder Members

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    Answer the above poster, then come up with your own 2 choices for the next player.

    Would you Rather:

    1-Be able to go back to when you were 11 years old knowing what you know now, or:

    2-Be given $1,000,000.
    Song of the South likes this.
  2. Song of the South

    Song of the South Members

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    I suspect if I were older, this might be a little more difficult of a choice. As it stands now, I will take the money and it ain't even close, lol.

    Would you rather be happy or make others happy?
  3. niteryder

    niteryder Members

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    Making others happy makes me happy, so...

    Would you rasther be stranded on an island by yourself with no chance of being found, or live with someone you hate for the rest of your life?
  4. Song of the South

    Song of the South Members

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    Is there a chance of being found if you pick option 2?
  5. niteryder

    niteryder Members

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  6. Song of the South

    Song of the South Members

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    Then i will ride it out solo! Fuck the haters, lol.

    Would you rather stay in the city or town in which you currently live, and never be able to leave that place, or leave that place and never be able to return?
    Eric! likes this.
  7. niteryder

    niteryder Members

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    Leave and never return.

    Would you rather be incredibly rich but live alone, or be poor and live with someone you love?
  8. Song of the South

    Song of the South Members

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    Poor with someone I love

    Would you rather read the book or see the movie?
  9. niteryder

    niteryder Members

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    I love to read, and the book is usually better than the movie, so...Read

    Which super power would you rather have

    1-The ability to fly
    2-The ability to read minds
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    difinately fly (as in independence from gravity without the effort of a bird or an airplane, and without the loss of traction and control you get from a frictionless surface).
    minds are distracting and annoying. and too damd easy, at the wrong times, to 'read' by proximix and kenisix.

    more wealth then you can imagine,
    or a world in which everyone had complete creative freedom, without the need for wealth in any sense of the word?

    (there was nothing in my life at the age of 11 i would want to re-expereince, even if i were paid that million bux, or any other number, to do so. there were a very small number of things in the world i would like to have been able to experience that are gone now, but none of them were anything in my personal life. 1959 was the year i was 11.).

    (an island by myself, any day. i don't hate people, but i sure love not being distracted by them from what i really love, which is creating and exploring)
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  11. Lovelane

    Lovelane Members

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    1. But 11 is too small. I would prefer to be back my 18.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    however many things in my life i might wish i could have done differently, there is not one i would wish to relive, in order to do so.
    the value of money is also over rated, but i could at least put it to good use, or failing that, enjoy doing so.

    well still, to move on, which no one has yet answered:

    wealth beyond your wildest dreams of avarice,
    a world in which everyone could enjoy being creative without having to worry about anything, and without needing wealth in any sense, to be able to do so?
  13. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Creative, without having to worry about anything.

    Would you rather date many people but you will never have a chance to fall in love with any of them, or fall in love with the first (and only) person you've ever dated, and live happily ever after?
  14. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Fall in love with the first/only ( I been around too much TBH )
    Would you rather be Popular or Happy by yourself ?
    wilsjane likes this.
  15. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Happy by myself. But, with a few close good friends. :blush:

    Would you rather be musically talented or a gifted scientist?
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  16. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I am quite happy to be popular by myself,
    Your question slightly confuses me, because people who are happy with themselves tend to become more popular than those who make a lot of effort to become popular and are full of BS.

    Would you rather be a doctor and have the problem of dealing with percentage of patients who are often destroying their own lives. or be a design engineer where you can reap the sole benefits and failures of your own work.
  17. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    This is getting complex. LOL
    Deidre, I would give up everything to become a concert pianist. Needless to say, my favorite work would always be Rachmaninoff's Op 18 piano concerto.
    Deidre likes this.
  18. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I'd rather be a designer. I don't think I could handle if someone died in my care, and I did everything in my power to save him/her. :(

    Would you rather go on a picnic or to a 5-star restaurant?
    wilsjane likes this.
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I would settle for the picnic, assuming that it is not in Jane's part of the world where it rains for 364 days of the year.
    The line in the song from the musical half a sixpence always spring to mind..."Asking to wed her daughter, while kneeling in a puddle of water".

    Would you rather spend a hot date at a 5 star restaurant or in the boiler house of a nuclear power station.
    Deidre likes this.
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i wouldn't know from a hot date, and neither of those, well the five stars don't mean much if it isn't for something i would find interesting.

    i would rather live in fantasy environments populated by non-humans who ride little trains powered like everything else, by solar and other clean sources of energy,
    who live in tiny villages of houses they build themselves.

    so ah, would you rather live in a large city that may have a good transit system within its boundries,
    but doesn't have easy ways out of it to go elsewhere without indenturing yourself to a car,
    a tiny village, that lets you build anything you want, served by little trains and no roads for cars at all.
  21. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    A tiny village!

    Would you rather wear the same clothes for an entire week or not shower for a week?
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