Please answer the following questions would be a great help Are you male or female? Are you attracted to the same sex or the opposite sex? Out of the following options which would you rather have a one night stand with, 1. Someone skinny 2. Someone with a little meat on the bone 3. Someone toned 4. Someone athletic 5. Someone skinny but athletic Out of the following which would you rather spend the rest of you life with, 1. Someone skinny 2. Someone with a little meat on the bone 3. Someone toned 4. Someone athletic 5. Someone skinny but athletic What's more important to you in a relationship 1. Looks 2. Money 3. Hobbies 4. Happiness 5. Something else, please state
i would need pictures to go with each option; all of those descriptions could really describe the same person. what will this help anyway? are you trying to decide what kind of body to have?
I'd chose someone skinny or athletic. For a 1 night or a full relationship. Whats most important? Not much, just this:- Heiress to her own investment bank, a glittering career in films or music, the looks of a supermodel, and a truly genuine +sincere personality. OK I admit it. I'm being unrealistic. I'd be wasting my time looking for a genuine and sincere personality.
Thankyou. But TBH every time I've found someone who seems perfect, I think they've ended up anything but that. But shit happens.. haha.