I'm sure you all know the rules of the game so let's play Would you rather be naked in the arctic or wearing a heavy coat in the tropics?
I assumed too much LOL If you're not sure how to play, here is what you do. Offer 2 possibilities and the next poster has to choose the one they would prefer over the other, even if both options suck or if both options are great, they only get to choose one. Feel free to explain your choice if you want. Then come up with the next set of possibilities.
This, breakfast for dinner, because I tend to wake up very late these days, so breakfast for me usually is the dinner, lol. WYR Monster trucks or wrestling?
I'd rather drive a monster truck than wrestle. But I 'd rather watch wrestling than watch a monster truck show. Reading Batman comic or reading Superman comic.
Chinese, because I actually haven't tried any yet, and might be interesting to sample it. WYR watch a gore-filled splatterfest horror movie, or an X-rated adult film?
Let's get this back on track. Adult film Don't know the difference, I use a Mac. Guess I would go with Windows WYR ride a motorcycle or a bicycle?
Wrong answer! lol It's funny (odd) that I was going to use motorbike and bike as my question following my answer to the windoze/linux question but, not having played this game before, I thought it wasn't the right sort of question. Good to know it is/was. BTW, the correct answer in my opinion is Linux because the others are too proprietary. Hoping I'm not going to deep on this but...... For me, the others offer less to the consumer relative to what's in it for them. ( restriction/data gathering and such-like ). And using Linux with imaging and other software packages or alternatives (office etc, photoshop, illustrator etc), because they are free on Linux, I have saved over 2000gbp (2500 usd) compared with having bought a windoze or mac machine. That's just on the software. My hardware is bespoke to my needs (my computing needs ) , which means there can be no direct price comparison though I wasn't able to find a windoze machine that had the necessary power/storage and speed under 5k gbp. My hardware (tower unit wireless mouse, wireless keyboard and 32 inch screen ) cost me 600 gbp. I've gone off at a tangent from this thread so I shan't interrupt it's normal flow, shan't ask a question, because it would interrupt the flow of the thread.