Would you let a guy literally worship your body

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by heron, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. heron

    heron Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    makes a world of sense, i am so glad that you feel that way. I wish all women could understand that they are physical embodyments of the Divine Feminine, and that they should identify themselves through such a strength.

    In march I took a complete devotion to the Divine Feminine, laying myself down in sacrifice that i would always hold Woman above all else, and to do my best to help
    them see what they truely are.

    Part of that dedication was genital piercing (I know that is a bit forward, but its my thread lol) to show that I am willing to sacrifice my pain to give the pleasure to the Feminine. I had two done, and they have proved to be well worth it in what they were intended for.
  2. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    so what did the devotion require besides the genital piercing?
    and though i can tell you these things that are manifesting themselves as truth to me it doesn't mean that i have necessarily embraced it.....i'm working on it...but i think first step in all of this is centering yourself and realizing that you are this God/Goddess...its a hard thing to do...we all struggle with this...
    to tell the complete truth, as you are being candid....i have a hard time giving in to it all...i can't tell you when i had an orgasm last...a mindblowing escape....it requires relaxation and giving up control...i have a hard time with giving up control....even if i am being worshipped.....
  3. heron

    heron Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    All the devotion required was the dedication, the piercing was just an outward expression to show the physical end of a spiritual action.

    Its hard to explain all of it, without getting into my personal life story,
    it cant be explained as one thing, its part of the bigger picture.

    If you want more insight into me personally, you can read in my journal.
    I think you might understand more of my journey to where i am and why.

    As far as control, you dont have to give it up, just share it.

    As far as sex goes, I have dedicated myself to trying to understand what makes a womans body tick, i practice and study, and experement with certain techniques, and the best technique is playing along, improv i guess, to read the way her body reacts to a touch. So its not a matter of control, but to both take the situation and make it magical.
  4. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Ahhhh Heron, my ideal man :)
  5. heron

    heron Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    San antonio huh? hehehe
  6. Multicolored Mirrors

    Multicolored Mirrors Banned

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    If I was a woman, no, I wouldn't. Just seems a little creepy to me. Putting a person on an altar... weird.
  7. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    heron, i love you...such beauty you have....
    it isnt about losing control....thank you for words to think on....sharing....thank you thank you
  8. SpliffVortex

    SpliffVortex Senior Member

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  9. heron

    heron Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    It makes me feel wonderful that my words helped you.

    I pray that all women find it in themselves to
    be stong in themselves, and to become
    the Goddess that they already are.

    I pray more that men see it, and even
    though no man can show a woman to be
    Goddess, they can inspire it by themselves
    becoming the God. The two will grow
    and discover their divinity together.

    I hope soon that you find your sexual release,
    and that you come buckets =)
  10. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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  11. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    hahaha....me too:)
  12. crummyrummy

    crummyrummy Brew Your Own Beer Lifetime Supporter

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    hell I would let a man worship MY body.....
  13. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    That sounds really sexy, IMO. What woman doens't love to be seduced?
  14. sensamelia

    sensamelia hippy mom

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    i sayn i like to be equal to my man and as far as pleasure goes we should equally pleasure each other.......but im not saying i wouldent go for that extra bit of pampering ...from the right guy of course ....hey you know who you are
  15. sylvanlightning

    sylvanlightning Prismatic Essence

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    'There are so many ways to kneel and kiss the earth.' ~~*Rumi

    'We worship at the altars of our bodies.' ~~*Ansara


    A passage: Beware, though, because her movements may be chaotic when She breaks out of Her slumber. She may be a wild dancer, robbing you of sleep. You may shake with her tremors, burn with her longing, ache with her movement, her search for her true love, Shiva himself. If she does not find him, She may get more and more agitated, burning even stronger with desire, until you think you will burst with the intensity of her presence. But She must have power to attract Shiva, rising to the third chakra of fire. Here you will find the strength and fierceness of a warrior Goddess, not merely the soft feminine sweetness of the young maiden. Shiva is a formidable force, and does not trifle with Maidens, but only with the raw stuff of life, the Goddess Herself. In this form, you may see her riding a tiger, as the goddess Durga, or dancing with Shiva as her Dark Sister, Mother Kali, who drips blood form her mouth to splatter upon her necklace of skulls. Her power at this level is to break apart old forms, for once awakened, She hates constriction, and you may find nothing in your life is ever the same. In her search for her lover, she can be most intense, relentless, in fact, and there may little you can hold onto if it gets in her way. You’d best cooperate with her and begin looking for her lover, for She will not stop until She finds him.

    yes, beautiful thread. the allowing of worship fills you. we exchange energy, consciously circulating and spiraling it in waves and clouds of bliss.
  16. sylvanlightning

    sylvanlightning Prismatic Essence

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    Yes, you are so clear. An exerpt from 'The Book of Secrets: by Osho'
    from the introduction:

    'For tantra, doing is knowing, and there is no other knowing. Unless you do something, unless you change, unless you have a different perspective to look at, to look with, unless you move in an altogether different dimension than the intellect, there is no answer. Answers can be given - they are all lies. All philosophies are lies. You ask a question and the philosophy gives you an answer. It satisfies you or doesn't satisfy you, you become a convert to the philosophy, but you remain the same. If it doesn't satisfy you, you go on searching for some other philosophy to be converted to. But you remain the same; you are not touched at all, you are not changed.'

    The Sutra:

    Devi asks:

    O Shiva, what is your reality?
    What is this wonder-filled universe?
    What constitutes seed?
    Who centers the universal wheel?
    What is this life beyond form pervading forms?
    How may we enter it fully,
    above space and time,
    names and descriptions?
    Let my doubts be cleared!

    Oh, my goodness/goddness
    I honor your light and kiss your divinity.
  17. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i like the title of your second post:)
    whew....i cant wait to be in your arms again.
  18. JoneeEarthquake

    JoneeEarthquake Member

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    I think its sexy when one person worships the other. Its like being a roman god for an evening hahaha.
  19. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i think its sexy that so many hetero men answered the question and didnt get caught up that it said would you let a man worship you but instead interpreted the question to suit them......
  20. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    yeah. i've only witnessed such a pairing (straight/gay males) once in my life. it was pretty profound. incredibly sexy.

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