Would you get a plastic surgery?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Withmine, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Withmine

    Withmine Guest

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    Hello and Happy Easter!
    I know there are older topics about this subject (some 1+ years old), but I decided a new thread is a better choice.

    What came into my mind lately is why so many celebrities nowadays get plastic surgeries, besides the reasons. I mean, if you have the money and fame, why not? But, why so many celebrities look a lot worse after plastic surgeries, while others look better? In my opinion, here are a couple of celebrities that look worse after plastic surgeries: Cat Lady (Jocelyn Wildenstein), Elsa Patton. But here are a couple of celebrities, even if they are old and got plastic surgeries, they look good: Barbara Walters, etc.:)

    Now, I know some of you would get a plastic surgery, while others wouldn't. If I wasn't afraid of surgeries and I would have more money, I think I would get some plastic surgeries. What about you? Also, what do you have to say about celebrities that get plastic surgeries? Ah, also, why do so many celebrities say they haven't got a plastic surgery when it's so obvious?

    What do you think about breast implants?
  2. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Senior Member

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    I think I should get some. Lots of long and lonely evenings here ;).

  3. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    Only if i had some sort of disfiguring injury
  4. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    My self esteem isn't low enough for me to consider plastic surgery.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No, I would not. Plastic surgery is for ugly people after all :bobby:
  6. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I am not entirely against plastic surgery.
    If I really wanted it and thought I needed it badly, I would get it.
    Who knows, maybe when I have had my third child xD
  7. Withmine

    Withmine Guest

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    I like the picture :sunny:
  8. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Probably not. The concept does not rest well with me, especially considering that it is usually cosmetic and only performed to increase a conditioned perception of attractiveness, especially in women. Getting plastic surgery might mask a physical "shortcoming", but it rarely fixes the mental insecurities that produce the need to get plastic surgery in the first place. A lot more can be gained from working on increasing confidence in your natural body. Plus, this method is free and cannot be taken from you!

    Exceptions to this rule would include physical deformities (tuberous breasts), non-cosmetic issues (broken nose that makes it difficult to breathe).
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    To each their own. It's not something I have any desire to do. And I recently saw a picture of an old friend from elementary school on facebook. Well, let's just say I didn't recognize her until she told me who she was. She looked just fine before and now she looks VERY fake and plastic in the face- quite a bit Michael Jackson like. Same type of face structure. I know she had low self esteem growing up... not from her looks (at least it shouldn't have been) but from other family issues (she was adopted and her adopted parents treated her like garbage). In any ways, she def went overboard and it's quite a bit sad really.

    But in any case, there are def times that it may be worth it to someone... but not something I would do myself.
  10. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    I think there are different types of plastic surgery.
    There's the shit type - which is obviously fake. And the other type which is good in some ways, and getting much better in others. I think Botox looks ridiculous usually. But I've seen skin work that looks very, very good. Likewise with tits.

    1stly I think people should look after themsevles in the 1st place. Eating, exercise, weight management and avoiding pollutants/too much sun.

    I'm glad that by the time I'm an old fucker, cosmetic maintenance (which should largely be much better than a crude scalpel etc) should be very very good, if you pay the money.

    People spend huge sums on cars, holidays and bits and pieces for the appearance of their house. So why on Earth NOT spend money to keep looking and feeling good.
    I've seen some old people arrest their appearance of ageing really well. So with medical assistance, there's no reason why in x years time, they couldn't look not just younger, but actually quite youthful.

    So for me, I'd use preventative medicine 1st. And if that wasn't enough, I wouldn't hesitate to take some other measures. Its no different to kids having teeth braces.. just more expensive.
  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    No, although I had to have it on my eyelid once after a dog mauled me.....so for injury only.
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Wow, that sounds like you came close to losing your eye! :eek:
  13. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Same here. Nothing is needed and when I age I will try my best to age gracefully, with the help of herbs and oils most likely.
  14. *Jason*

    *Jason* Member

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    Probably never except if I was burned or mutilated, never cosmetically
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    For purely cosmetic reasons I would not. I believe in aging gracefully. An older woman who exercises, doesn't smoke, takes care of her skin looks so much more beautiful than an older woman who has had plastic surgery. It usually looks very obviously fake.
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Could have, so I was lucky...Taught me not to go to kiss a dog, even if it was a friend's dog. I never hated the dog though and was sad when it died a couple of years later.
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I also did not hate the cat that scratched my throat which caused a filthy pile of pus to grow there. It was my own fault to pick that piece of shit up :D

    On topic: I had to get surgery for that :p
  18. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Ouch! I was bit in the back of my leg when I was a kid by my friends dog. It was our fault, playing around him and I stepped back on it's paws.
    My dad said I had to go to hospital and get a great big needle in my ass, scared me badly. They cleaned it and then some guy came rolling in on a stretcher with a slit throat and we were forgotten. Went home and it healed up nicely, no scares later except for my feelings then but I was always careful around him, and still loved him.
    At another time I was going to my friends house in the dark around 5 or 6 pm. It was winter and she had quite a long driveway with lots of trees and I saw someone near the back letting their dog loose to run the property. I screamed not to let him go, he was kinda mean.
    At the beginning of their property they had a shack that they rented to some indians for cheap. When that dog pummeled me down it was trying to bite my head and then I heard a shot. As the dog ran I got up seeing an indian guy standing in his doorway with a gun. He didn't know it was their dog or that I was under him. He thought it was a bunch of coyotes fighting and fired at them to scare them off. I was very lucky that night. Sore where he tried to sink his teeth into my head but no actual bites, he didn't have time I guess.
  19. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    I'd get plastic surgery if I was in an accident which fucked up my face and made it look un-face-like.
  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, I have had a million cat scratches.....lol

    No, owner's poor dog was old, anyway, and was some kind of bull mastiff chow chow mix or something, and the owner kept him tied up on a short metal chain for most of the poor thing's life, so that is why I went to kiss the dog in the first place, as I felt compassion for the dog.....so that is why the dog was like he was, and it was really no feeling of love I had for the owner for doing that.

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