changing your name. I kind of dig Bellfire and I think it would be a cool name. DO you think it should be my first or last name? What would you change your name too if you could or wanted?
Depends on what "changing your name" means for you. Officially? I don't know what it's like in the US, but in Germany it's expensive and you need an obvious reason (at least for changing your surname). It's a lot easier to change your name "inofficiallly" - simply tell people how you want to be called from now on. I kinda have 3 different names: Henriette and short forms of it (like Jette), my "real name" Fany, my nickname - it started as a webname when I registered as Fany on several forums, but I found friends and they still call me Fany. So I really got used to it, quite some people call me Fany, also on the phone (which my Mum and my sister keep mocking me about), I don't find it strange anymore and Rain on the HipForums.