I never saw the "Dukes of Hazard" movie, but I looked at videos online of the theme song that included some movie clips. In one clip, Daisy serves two guys in a bar, and one of them gives her a pat on the bum. She attacks him, and puts her foot on his throat. Now, from what I remember of the original daisy duke, this is something she would never do. She might put a high heel into the butt of boss hog, roscoe p. coaltrain, or deputy enos if they tried to arrest her, but I don't thing that she would ever get so extremely violent over a little bum pat.
^ yes, I think there's even two movies made relatively recently. According to wikipedia, there was an original 1975 movie that became the basis for the D of H tv series.
the pukes were repulsive on tv, why would i want to see a movie about it. yah daizy was decorative, but so what, most female humans between the ages of 11 and 30 or so are anyway. bunch of idiots driving around in a rediculous car. a corrupt politician who wan't in on their 'shine, and a lame police force controlled by said corrupt politician. just why?
I loved watching that car jump a canyon and break almost in half when it landed and then return to pristine condition in the next shot, lol. Btw, I know someone who has one of those original cars from the show, but only just the body and frame, and a few parts. Also, DD was hot!! /Never saw the movie though.