Would People Eat Meat If They Saw How It Was Prepared?

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by Jimbee68, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    My question is partly inspired by a news story I saw, about immigrants. Immigrants are the only ones who do meat preparation. Americans don't do it, because it's just too brutal. (I have nothing against immigrants when I say this. It just happens to be true.)

    This got me to thinking. Would Americans still eat meat, if they had to watch how it was prepared?

    BTW, as I said before, I am a vegan in my heart of hearts. And I look to a day when all meat production is outlawed. Actually, that may come sooner than later, because meat production is just not economically viable. Most of the investment ends up in the waste. It may be more economical to just grow it in a Petri dish. Why not?

    Thank you in advance to all who reply.

    :) :) :)
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  2. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I did and I would again.

    I've seen pigs killed, and their meat prepared....homemade bacon, sausages, and all that.
    Intestines, organs...

    Chickens too.

    But then again, this is Balkan, we are primitive and not refined Westerners.
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  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Me too - although the only animals I ever prepared were rabbits which being small, make less mess, and are easy enough to deal with. I didn't set out to do it - I had a neighbour who used to go rabbiting and as a sign of freindship he presented me with a couple of rabbits every now and then. The idea that I should have just left them to rot or otherwise disposed of them is far worse than chopping them up. If I'd refused the rabbits, my freind wouldn't have understood why. If I'd refused to cut them up, they would have died for nothing. And cooked in a nice caserole, very tasty. It's unlikely these days that it would happen again like that, but I would do the job if necessary.

    I also watched my grandmother kill, pluck and gut chickens when I was a kid, so maybe that conditioned me to it at an early age, just as country folk were for a very long time.

    I think people who won't look at the way meat is prepared, or find it disgusting or unpsetting probably shoudn't eat meat. It flies in the face of nature to be a pradator who can't stand the sight of some guts and blood. And really it's just putting one's own incapacity or squeamishness onto someone else who will do the dirty work for you.

    I suspect there are a lot of people out there who've never even filleted a fish. And actually, that's a worse job than rabbit. But as far as Im concerned, what a person eats and how it gets processed for the table is their own business.
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    This is along the lines of slaughterhouses having glass walls?

    I think some would be turned away, or more likely, racked with guilt when they are flesh.

    But I have seen slaughter in preparation for backyard barbecues in my childhood. I've wrung the chicken's neck.

    Those are factors, but not drivers, of my vegetarianism.

    I think this also speaks to how immigrant labor is exploited.
  5. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I worked in a Pilgrim's Pride chicken plant for 7 years, and yeah it's pretty gruesome. It never turned me off eating chicken, but some people it did.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    are you just making random shit up now? this isn't even claiming truth of a stereotype, because there is no such stereotype.

    half the people i know have butchered animals. i hate doing it; it's a pain in the ass and i'm super lazy when it comes to prepping food. which is why it's convenient that there's a million places that you can take animals to be butchered, all of them operated by americans in my experience.
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  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't think it matters to most meat eaters. The reality of the meat industry are pretty well known at this point. But to them it's no big deal because it's only an animal and they are humans. So why no go the natural route? If the animal is meant to die who cares how it lives?
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  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Most meat eaters I know care at least to some extent about the life of the animals they're consuming. Granted, most do not care enough, otherwise the industry would adapt more rapidly in favor of the life of the animals in it (including the slaughter process of course, which btw is done often in a responsible way already)
    I think its clear a lot of people still aren't conscious enough. Confrontation with how meat gets processed from animal to chicken wings/hamburgers is still very useful and needed
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  9. Mokah

    Mokah Members

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    Firstly let me apologise if I sound like a broken record as I read only the title and the first text post rather than going through the whole thread.

    The two big words are Cognitive Dissonance
    eg. 'it's horrible, what they do, but I love the taste of meat'

    Despite that not being a lovely answer, I personally prefer that (only ever so slightly) to someone saying 'don't show me that it's horrible and I want to keep eating meat'

    Some people are not as open in a universally empathetic sense.

    I may get hate for this, hopefully we are all open and accepting to each other's opinions, but I think that when someone truly sees Eco above Ego they will not eat other animals.
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  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Or at least become a responsible consumer and buy the better meat.
  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i eat meat

    i grew up watching moose getting hung up and butchered in the backyard ...sorted on the tailgate ...and processed in the kitchen
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  12. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I've seen deer killed and hung up for the blood to drain.

    I didn't see it butchered as it was sent to a processor

    I've seen videos of factory farms and they were awful

    Overall I feel perfectly fine eating venison or other wild game and also livestock raised and killed on a local farm. I dont feel right eating factory raised meat and try to avoid it
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Here's a simple photo of how fruit and vegetables are prepared. A nice healthy dose of chemicals. Notice all the protective equipment, because it's only unsafe to the person spraying but all fine and dandy for human consumption. :)


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  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Please remember which forum you are in.

  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    That picture ties into a larger commercial industry which does exist for all foods. It's just the nature of 7 billion people on a planet needing to eat. Growing food chemical free is possible just like it's possible to raise an animal in much more humane conditions if you do plan to it eat it. But you can do something right or cheap you can not do both. The commercial industry prefers cheap.

    I know an animal is just like me. It could have been my mother in a past life if you want to get into all the reincarnation Buddhist type stuff. At the very least it deserves my respect. All living things tremble in the face of death when a man understands this he does not seek to harm. I am not a lion on the African savanna I have the ability to have higher thinking and morals.
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  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Picture really just galvanised the argument that not fresh food is fresh food either. Lots of fruit for next season will be picked this season and frozen. It's not fresh.

    Yeah sure not always the case, but I know where I buy my meat from isn't processed like stated in claims here. Or processed in general.

    All about where and who ya buy from.

    If your grocery outlet is chain store then it's most likely not going to be that great but if you can take the time to find a butcher and a produce market, it'll be better. Might not be good but has to be better.

    As for me my meat is always from a local town butcher. You can drive past what you're eating next week sort of thing. And I'm fine with it but go to supermarket.. Salt and processed meat doesn't agree with me much.
  17. Michael Phelps

    Michael Phelps Am I being detained?

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    I like vegetables! (What am I allowed to say?)
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Turtles by far are the hardest to crack open and prepare.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Try and skin a bunch of ants!
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  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I like ants. Well not the little black ones they annoy me but as as a whole are pretty awesome. I found love watching a documentary about them and how they work not as an individual but as a whole family. Like taking a individual ant away does nothing because the colony itself is the life force and driving force. The colony is what is alive, not the ant. If that makes sense. Plus, talking to each others with antenna massages is really adorable.

    But those black ones that get in my kitchen... I've been at war with them for 3 years around my house lol. I'm afraid I put one step wrong I'll fall into the earth with the amount of tunnels they must have.

    Okay off topic sorry.
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