People do a lot of speculating on what things would have been like had Kennedy not been assassinated. I think had Kennedy not been assassinated its highly possible that he would have never run for re-election because of medical reasons. Kennedy had several medical conditions that seem to have affected him severely. Looking at his medical situation I'm not sure he would have been up for running for a second term.
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light...
He was very popular and it was a tense political time. I believe that he would have possibly run again for the people if he had confidence in himself.
i think he would have run and won and if he had we would never have had raygun or chump. oddly enough we might have had nixxon though. but a very defferent, older wise and calmer nixxon. and republicans would have remained conservative instead of becoming tea nazi's, though of course the have always embraced some faschist elements, but they would have remained more honestly conservative in their ideology. kennidy was shot for the same reason 9-11 happened. to prevent world peace. we'd have had that and a man on mars by now otherwise.
The entire Kennedy family are all power hungry. The only thing that did stop them from being as big as the bush's and Clinton's combined is that they were killed off.